The problem of effective management of a stepper motor for a long time did not allow the stepper motor a common practice in industrial equipment. In recent years, many leading manufacturers more seriously turned their attention to the stepper motors as an alternative replacement of the traditionally used asynchronous motors. Large role in this was that the market began to appear highly Driver to control the stepper motor. Some of these new, modern drivers to control a stepper motor is a stepper motor driver SM-18 and SM-19 designed and manufactured by Scientific-Production Enterprise “Dzherelo” Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Model driver stepper motor SM-19 is designed to control a stepper motor in step mode. Stepper drive driver model SM-18 is designed to control stepper motor mode free running, ie, contactless mode of the DC motor (samorazgonny mode). The main technical characteristics of the models SM-18 and SM-19 are: – Three-wire control – power supply – constant or variable current – a range of supply voltages from 20 V to 40 V – Power consumption not more than 1.75 A (Model SM-19) nor more than 3 h (model SM-18) – starting torque by using the stepper motor DSHR-56 -1.8-1210 in the voltage range, at least 0.7 kg / cm (0.7 H / M). – Management is performed through an open collector circuit or logic level (logic zero from-12V to +0.6 V, the level of the logical unit from +4 to +12).
Performed both drivers on the basis of the microprocessor with once the internal programmable ROM. Microprocessor service: power supply, power reset, the block of emergency relief, the unit of analysis the currents of the windings, the unit of analysis of the rotor position. Key bridge amplifiers are controlled microprocessor. Circuit is made of 18 transistors and is available on the printed circuit board size 135 * 53 mm. No radiator, cooling the natural. To connect the external circuit driver of SM-18 and SM-19 are: 1. Connector for the voltage supply (2 pins) – AC, AC. 2.
How do you feel: a shaky position, or not? You can always get back on solid ground! You can feel confident wherever you are. You can succeed! So is it possible to change the orientation? Can I become successful? Of course, "yes." You must make adjustments in their lives in different directions! And it does not need the money for It requires only your desire and the desire to change something! So: Step 1. To do this, just need to update your consciousness and become a man with a successful way of thinking! This will help you not primarily television and newspapers, which is basically designed to survive! Think about what successful people are reading magazines? What topics of interest to them? What they listen to music? What courses visit? Look inside yourself: What fills you with energy? What is the latest book you read? What are you listening on the go? Begin to change those things that you have allowed to influence the way your thoughts! Step2. Analyze your environment, this is more people survive? If yes, then start communicate with those who are doing well! Think about where you can get acquainted with these people than they occupy their free time! Gradually changing environment, and you will see how to change your life and your way of thinking! Step 3. Evaluate your skills that will help you preuspevat.Schitaete that skills are not enough? Then select your area of prosperity and become a professional in it, not a lover! Circulated a one skill immediately taken for the next one.
Succeed, as a rule, people with flexible thinking, and thus with a mass of different skills! Step 4. You need to understand that it takes time to become successful! And here, as you know there is no turning back! You make this choice already life! Take a long-term commitment to the development of their prosperity, "Not paying attention to minute difficulties and discouragement! Shag5. You need to be disciplined. That order, but not chaos, make successful people such. Read what you are developing and inspiring! Learn to spend less and save more and invest! Watch for his physical form, start to do exercise, watch diet, learn constantly develop new and new skills That discipline will succeed in this life! Oh, and get ready always for the better! After all, even the current crisis, for whom a springboard to jump, but for someone erased some years of life
It exists a model of business that uses companies like Amazon, Citibank, Yahoo, Godaddy and many to more generate million dollars to the year in income. A business model with which you can make money when recommending products of other people. And it is the same model of business that allows them to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars to the year to common people like you and like us. But, it watches how these 2 boys generate more of U$ 20,000 dollars to the month from their house: They reached an excellent style of life thanks to this model of business and today they are arranged to contarte which are the 3 keys that allowed them to reach these income. Technically you do not have to sell the product, simply you must know some simple tricks and techniques to make that recommendation more effective.
If you promote products of other people as afiliada/o or have thought about doing it, then you must see this video. In that video, 2 experts in the subject explain to you which are the 3 keys that allow them to win more of U$ 20,000 dollars to the month without selling nothing " jugando" with the new rules of Marketing by Internet and using new strategies that very few know. Like everything, in the world of Marketing by Internet the things changes and the change is fast. And no longer you will be able to make money unless you know how " jugar" with the new rules. " juego" to recommend products as affiliates are changing, and whatever it is using the old woman methods to promote products it is in danger to see a drastic fall in its gains or even lose your income like afiliada/o completely.
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Every year for St. Petersburg is accompanied by an increase in the number of tourists who want to see all the sights. Too many tourists, being a great connoisseur of art and history, however, kind to their money and want to get affordable housing with a minimum set of amenities. All this fuels the demand, and as a consequence, stimulates the development of market economy-class hotel. Here for such travel and need this hotel. These economy-class hotels provide an opportunity to cheaply and with relative comfort to live in them a certain time, not spending at the same high material costs.
Customers economy class hotels in our time constitute a large enough share of the market of hotel services. Therefore, to draw a portrait of a typical representative of the target audience of budget hotels is quite difficult. The resulting portrait is a very versatile, because it a man who goes to watch the St. Petersburg, admire the beauty of its historical monuments, to penetrate the atmosphere of romance and grandeur, and a business person who is not going to all the free time sit in a room under air conditioning. But for such people, cheap hotels and are an excellent option. We note here that consumers such as tourists with a great family, great company of tourists and schoolchildren prefer, rather, some hostel for your stay. Another feature of all economy-class hotel – there was only very minimal, very small set of services. In various economy hotels meet a variety of services, but mostly it breakfast, parking place, internet access, taxi, restaurant or bar.
Catalan conseller of Interior appears before the Parlament. It says that the objective was not to evacuate, but to retire dangerous objects. It affirms that they used the violence because the encamped ones passed of the passive resistance to the obstruction and hostility. The police load of the Mossos left more than 120 wounded ones. " It must be clear that the intervention at no moment considered like an evacuation of the encamped ones in Catalunya" Place; , it has assured east Wednesday Catalan conseller of Interior, Felip Puig, that has appeared before the Commission of Interior of the Parlament to speak on the action of the Mossos d' Esquadra of the past 27 of May. A police load was wounded 120 people. Although conseller has lamented " the wounded and damnificados" of the load of the Mossos he has justified, it because he considers " necessary to fulfill objetivos". After remembering the decision of the Central Electoral Meeting with respect to the day of reflection, Puig he has said that " the operation of the previous Mossos that lasted 2.5 hours and that counted on five trucks of limpieza".
" The operation did not leave bien" absolutely; Puig has admitted that the operation, that " it only had by objective to retire dangerous objects facing celebracin" the Champions in Paddles absolutely, it did not leave well because it did not calibrate " aggressiveness and violencia" whereupon the encamped ones would react. " They punctured and they deflated the wheels of the trucks, between insults and agresiones" , it affirms. Conseller has assured that they had the legal justification to act, tried at any moment to establish the dialogue with the encamped ones without success and they always fulfilled the legal rules, and that if they used the violence was because the encamped ones happened of the passive resistance to the obstruction and the hostility. Also it has stood out that the Police in no case looked for the confrontation. " Lies, things that are not ciertas" Puig has enumerated a series of " falsedades" , according to its criterion. Between which it has erased of " lies, things that are not ciertas" it is the photography in which mosso raises the club against a handicapped person. Conseller he assures that the agent did not beat to him, but dnda, although this indignant, Sebastin Ledesma, assured in an interview to that conseller mind.
Also he has defined of false that " he would attack myself to periodistas" , the photo of a poor person struck, that a demonstrator had been operated in the Clnic Hospital, and all the images in which it is seen indignant " seated pacifically and not sending stones or raised to the cars patrulla" , as Puig assures that it happened. It is lie, in his opinion, the anonymous letter of mosso that was shamed of its action, " offensive commentaries in Twitter attributed his persona" and the profile of mosso in facebook that boasted of the exerted violence. An individual that is not mosso, but an urban guard to whom the City council of Barcelona already has initiated an informative investigation. Restitutir " good imagen" of the Mossos conseller has assumed all the political responsibility of the happened thing, committing itself to restitute the good image of the Mossos, that according to him has been damaged, and a to study " preventive mechanisms against violentos". Source of the news: Felip Puig: " Moan the wounded of this police intervention, but I consider that he was necesaria"