Royal endorsement of many contributed to the popularity of pizza. At the end of the XIX century ate pizza in Naples at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Among the most popular dishes was a pizza with mushrooms and anchovies. Gradually pizzaiolo invented new and New "toppings" for their pizzas. Soon appear and the first pizzeria, where people can eat pizza, drink and socialize with friends.
… Pizza delivery here>> But the path to worldwide popularity of pizza passed through the New World, where once they brought tomatoes to Europe. In America pizza gets together with many Italian immigrants late XIX century. Her start selling on the streets – the first American "city pizza was Chicago, where it can be be purchased for two cents a piece. They say that the first U.S.
pizzeria opened in 1905 by Gennaro Lombardi in New York. In America, Lombardi called the "Patriarch of pizza and pizza it still works. In the 1940's invented so-called "American pizza" – with vysokimim edges and lots of stuffing. The popularity of pizza increases after the Second World War, when returning American soldiers stationed in Italy. They could not forget the taste pizza – at home or in the U.S., thanks to them, this dish is more popular. More for the popularity of pizza first in the U.S. – and later around the world – made pop stars of Italian descent – Jerry Colonna, Frank Sinatra and others. Followed by Dean Martin, all of America was eat pizza and sing the words of his songs: "When the moon is shining you straight in the eye like a big pizza …. We can make the order a pizza so the pizza is the star of the world cooking. And though in achieving this popularity has played a huge role America, Italy is still recognized as "homeland" of pizza, and that there are going real connoisseurs, to taste authentic Italian masterpieces.
GLOBALIZATION the advantages and disadvantages, the success and the mistake committed for some companies. Today she is one of the heard words more in our way. It is a phenomenon generated for the capitalism that has for objective to form one? global village? allowing to bigger markets and the economic, social, cultural integration and politics between the countries, beyond establishing connection the people and the world. This was only possible with the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the former Soviet Union for 1989 return, appearing the called movement ‘ ‘ Globalizao’ ‘. This globalization allows that the minor of the companies has its vendido product being to other countries. The instantaneous access the new technologies, new medicines and surgical equipment, the increase in the food production, among others, has caused the increase of the perspective of life in the countries. It also has the other side of the currency.
With the globalization some countries if had joined and created? economic blocks? that they search if to fortify being difficult to compete with them, as the UR (European Unio), the Mercosul, the NAFTA, among others. A negative aspect would be the economic instability in the world, then any phenomenon that happens in one definitive country will reach quickly excessively. The countries are each time more dependents one of the other, not having more as if to keep isolated. Easy access fast to the information rees-echo almost instantaneously around of the planet. Unhappyly this flow of information that can be beneficial is seen as a threat for determined governments or religious entities, that do not measure efforts to contain information making with that its citizens do not have access they. The site of Wikipdia research, much known currently, already suffered diverse blockades on the part from the Chinese government, and so that this globalization functions it is basic to understand the language, the behavior, beliefs and religious values of each country with that it goes to deal.
It is essential to know the economy of the other country, the commerce or farming, preventing incident to both. A disastrous example in this globalizado market was China in Box, that it decided to expand its businesses for Argentina using the same strategy used in Brazil. The result was a great damage, therefore the behavior of the Argentines is different of the Brazilians and demanded adaptation. A result of success in the international and globalizado market is the Google that has an enviable positioning in the sector of searches, superior to the Yahoo and Microsoft. It thinks globally, but she does not act regionally, therefore if adapta to the culture of the country, respecting each in agreement people its habits and homages them in its commemorative dates. The globalization is a irreversible phenomenon for the people, the society and the international trade. PERIM, luciana zanette?
"So says George Soros. Opinion expressed in an interview Die Welt. / /. Each government's forces to begin play in the crisis, which involves a systematic built a program of action, coordinating the work and complete understanding of the meaning of each action at all levels of government throughout the crisis process. We understand that the condition of coherent meaningful activity is the most difficult to achieve. We would say "unattainable in general", if not owned social technology that allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of collective action and command work for a few days. The main difficulty is to convince the public managers of the need for this social technology – this task is almost unsolvable.
Rather, they will bring to State bankruptcy and turn it into a colony, than will use non-standard (they think) methodological approach. GAME OF THE CRISIS It is clear that if public managers are not offered in any way a meaningful program action, the issues become crisis issues of individuals and individual firm.Bezuslovno the crisis – a process that can (and should!) control. So now people can be clearly divided into three categories: those who Crisis, those who played during the crisis and those who manage KRIZISOM.Te who plays in a crisis, gets little money for large real assets. Opportunity to play in the crisis and have everyone win. Idea Management a single firm during the crisis, in essence, no different from the idea of managing the entire global economy or the economies of individual states.
This is an ideal time to make a brief stop along the way and make a careful analysis of the results. This is the heart of the business and the analysis that is made in this part can identify those concepts of cost or expense that can raise awareness to see the impact on earnings and cash flow. Also, you can analyze relevant indicators and do benchmarking with competing companies, or the industry in general. A financial projection is the ideal way to see the effect of growth or in your case of the divestment of assets. Strategic or investments growth included in the projection are all those that are consistent with the business strategy. At this stage of the process there is no stop to think whether there will or not resources for their financing. This will be resolved in a stage subsequent analysis. All those investments, called normal investment, which aims in practice are also estimated the maintain current operating conditions in optimal conditions.
Finally, the model has to balance uses and sources of funds. The end result is adjusted according to the goals and objectives of the company. Reports that sheds the financial planning, financial statements (results, flow and financial situation), in addition to indicators, summary tables, graphs and everything that ask for the address of the company. It should be an additional product, the calculation of the value of the company. The retrieved value of the company allows to be compared with the value of the company in the market if it is that this bag is listed either, if it is not the case, that the shareholder has such information that would allow him to make judgments. Perhaps keep in mind a much higher or much lower value and the opportunity to explore the whys of such a situation would be presented to him.