On January 1, 2010 came into force e-Administration, a key date in which materialized the work of four years of study, development and implementation of information and communication technologies; a major effort being carried out both public administrations such as companies who are creating solutions and electronic applications. This conversion, adaptation and electronic bureaucratization is a slow and intense process; strides than the Administration, aware of the challenge that implies, is approaching from the foundations, on the basis of a change of mentality and a cultural opening to the modernization of tools and work processes. And all this has a purpose very clear and defined: improve services, simplify procedures and optimizing technological and communications infrastructures, that is to carry out operational efficient. The silent revolution in the public administration, the public sector is making a huge effort, investing much time and resources to adopt ICTs as tool, still tangible in projects that have been conducted with the public sector and which are already running optimally and in improvements and constant updates that we made. ledge.. However, there is still long way to go, has to be a more secure legal regulation, a more standardized personal equipment and greater collaboration from public authorities.
We have to be aware of what this change will assume this great silent revolution that is being held here and now and that we are protagonists. Control purchase processes understanding this reality, the Administration has focused this year on a series of processes, among them, one of the most important: the records management of hiring, which also represents one of the most regulated activities that can be found in the public sector. Deploy a tool that controls the entire process, from detection of the need to act in reception, and can carry out the task of registration, archiving, distribution and retrieval of documents, ensuring the principles of transparency and confidentiality, it is an innovative solution that contributes to the optimization of the operational internal by increasing agility and control in the process of purchasing management. In addition to be focused in this area, are being carried out important projects as a registry of input/output, telematic register, administrative management, billing telematics and the citizen portal. Numerous institutions and public bodies, both local and as central, have placed their trust in ICT solutions that integrate these processes transparently. Administrations choose advanced technology solutions tailored to their processes of managing large volumes of documents and content, such as records management, the record of entry and exit of correspondence or the preparation and distribution of press releases. Today, more than never ICT solutions companies are closer to the Administration, helping them to identify their needs and implementing specific solutions to the needs of the Administration in close collaboration. Aware of the path that must travel, selected with care to his traveling companion, because as said Charles Darwin did not survive the strongest nor the most intelligent but which is able to adapt more quickly to the changes.
China has already overtaken the U.S. as a country in the world with more Internet users connected. With 233 million users and despite its censure to the network, the Asian giant enjoys technological spectacular growth rates.
Current Alert – phones:
The group of activists by the freedom and against censorship ANONYMOUS and the group of investigation of vulnerabilities LULZSEC has decided to unite their efforts and their talent in a combined-arms operation that they have baptized like Operation Anti-Security, or in Castilian, Anti-Security Operation. This happens after to be denied by both groups the supposed war enters both, and what better form to demonstrate to the one that to unite its competitions in the mentioned operation. On the part of LULZSEC an official notice in naval terms has been emitted in which it is said that flotilla of LULZSEC has united his ships to those of ANONYMOUS, with the purpose of to maximize the capacity of operation Anti-ESA. The primary target of the operation is declassification of documentation classified by the governments, understanding declassification like the robbery or filtration of this information. The organizers of the operation animate to the participants to include word Anti-ESA in the governmental Web sites and of the banks, even to that they realise guinea fowl in the buildings of such institutions. It seems that a new big wave of attacks is approached that will on approval put once again the Security of the Information of several institutions and organisms at world-wide level. udea Security of the Information Department of Management Manuel Diaz
Besides that I love, the topic of online safety always keeps me alert about new forms of cybercrime attack. I am addicted to all the information that can be consumed and through these articles attempt to draw attention to the new problem of online security that, at bottom, is an Achilles heel a challenge for web 2.0 social networking explosion opens a new pandora’s box of threats and vulnerability in the navigation. Contagion or infection of domestic and personal computers from traditional sources such as e-mail, memories or USB devices or word processors, will become a second plane and now the spread is imposed in real time. And the social networks are the perfect vehicle for cyber crime. A worm called Rainbow took advantage of the fragility of a Twitter application and produced malicious effects in 1,000 users infected every 10 seconds, could be the beginning of a new phase in the battle for safety sentences online, which I will call security in real time.
According to the computer security company Panda, just move the mouse over the URL bait, produced a redirection to other websites to destroy if same and cause strange actions, such as: sending malicious strings to followers, appearance of strange messages with giant letters and visitors to affected profile problems. To avoid major problems, Panda Security advised Twitter users not running java, such as TweekDeck, and avoid using the Web until the vulnerability is resolved. The above is a specific case, at a specific time on a specific network, but the deep problem is that all social networks interact in real time with or without the user; and the cyber crime knows this and has begun to use. First they started with Facebook, the largest of the networks and the attack continues on Twitter, Linkedin, etc. The question is: do they are social networks prepared to offer security in time? real? Moreover, I dare to infer, though it may seem crazy, that that depends on the future of social networks.
If you have not even chosen a marketing network suitable for you’re thinking about it, or you’ve decided to look for a better then I have some points that you should take into account attentive to these data: 1. industry-one of the first points and the most important perhaps due to how much the industry that you choose must be an industry showing a sustained and profitable growth that is attractive to people because it is here where you will begin your Marketing business at Red.Seguro you will find with various industries health and welfare, telecommunications, tourism, beauty, etc. All very good but will have to choose which goes with you, with your personality and your immediate needs for the future, to make you easier to recommend it and then duplicate it to your associates. 2. Company-now that you chose the industry or any caught you attention and since by its own expansion you know that it is everywhere, comes the second point the company and here you know you must have all the regulations required by each country all in rule advise you with the same representative. Well let’s move on; one of the key rules that are used is that it must have more than five years of operation as they are in these early years that will strengthen and pass the test time fence some with 2 or 3 years do not exceed or are disguised pyramids and generally go bankrupt in this period of time. 3.-Product-arrived at one of the if not the most important because it is here where will have to assess whether the offered product is Marketeable and attractive for persons so if you think that to join a network marketing you become you a seller because you are wrong, because it is a distribution system based on something we do long overdue recommendation from person to personRemember that we are consultants and suggest a solution, take this example: seller knocking at your door and sells you hose the consultant sees holes in your hose and you said I have the solution for your problem, simple and straightforward so work the Networkers. .
If you have not even chosen a marketing network suitable for you’re thinking about it, or you’ve decided to look for a better then I have some points that you should take into account attentive to these data: 1. industry-one of the first points and the most important perhaps due to how much the industry that you choose must be an industry showing a sustained and profitable growth that is attractive to people because it is here where you will begin your Marketing business at Red.Seguro you will find with various industries health and welfare, telecommunications, tourism, beauty, etc. All very good but will have to choose which goes with you, with your personality and your immediate needs for the future, to make you easier to recommend it and then duplicate it to your associates. 2. Company-now that you chose the industry or any caught you attention and since by its own expansion you know that it is everywhere, comes the second point the company and here you know you must have all the regulations required by each country all in rule advise you with the same representative. Well let’s move on; one of the key rules that are used is that it must have more than five years of operation as they are in these early years that will strengthen and pass the test time fence some with 2 or 3 years do not exceed or are disguised pyramids and generally go bankrupt in this period of time. 3.-Product-arrived at one of the if not the most important because it is here where will have to assess whether the offered product is Marketeable and attractive for persons so if you think that to join a network marketing you become you a seller because you are wrong, because it is a distribution system based on something we do long overdue recommendation from person to personRemember that we are consultants and suggest a solution, take this example: seller knocking at your door and sells you hose the consultant sees holes in your hose and you said I have the solution for your problem, simple and straightforward so work the Networkers. .
Since ancient times, our ancestors knew about the impact of retrograde planets in all human activities. This is particularly true of the retrograde Mercury, Venus and Mars. Period of retrograde planet comes at a time when she slows down and begins to move back down. A few weeks later the planet resumes movement in direktnom direction. This information you need is not for 'banal erudition', but rather for personal gain. There are several relatively simple rules, applying to, you save yourself from many problems, save lots of time, health and money.
So, let us imagine, Mercury retrograde! This smart little time to stay retrograde three times during the year, an average of 24 days. This time it is enough to frustrate any innocent people, disrupting important travel and business meetings. Also, when Mercury is in retrograde in droves occur confusion, misunderstanding, confusion, deception and self-deception is lost or delayed mail, failure of equipment. During this period, is highly undesirable to sign any documents to get a job, starting a career, move to a new place to buy home appliances, phones, computer, cars. From buying all sorts of expensive things and apartments are also possible, to abstain (can happen deception). Webmasters: you should not register with the affiliate programs and catalogs, to produce new sites, I warn you once, nothing will. It is best to use this time to complete the already initiated cases, but the plan new useless. In In 2009, Mercury will be retrograde from January 11 to February 1, from 7 to 31 May, from 7 to 29 September and from December 26 to January 15, 2010.
Next in importance is beautiful Venus. It is retrograde ('not in the spirit') about 40 days, but with intervals of 19 months. Very unfavorable it is time for change in his personal life, it is useless to make new acquaintances, to enter into marriage (relations would soon be canceled). Questions of personal property, real estate, Finance is not worth raising, may be mistakes. Buy expensive clothes and jewelry should be delayed failure may be exhibitions of artists, all the arts going through difficult times. In 2009, Venus retrograde from March 6 to April 17. Closes our trinity of Mars, which is as much as 2.5 months every 2 years is retrograde ('cultural' rest, I suppose). Incidentally, it is better not to bother at this time, that is not to start a new cycle of physical activity, sports, military training and conflict. It is undesirable that time, and for litigation, as well as surgical operations, buying a car and dangerous journeys. In 2009, Mars retrograde from December 20 to March 10, 2010.