May 03 2020

Health Care And More

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We then touching the bottom of the case: the confrontation between the freedom of the individual and on the other hand, rules or programs M1NSA. Check with baby clothes to learn more. Such confrontations have historical antecedents. For example, in USA is famous discussions and there was opposition to mandatory vaccination program because they are not properly informing people of what it was, even This opposition came to the Judiciary and the judges who were forced to vaccination (and not the health authority). The same happened with the quarantine, with licenses for prostitutes, premarital licenses, coercive sterilization laws for the mentally retarded, epileptics, alcoholics and people with professional tendencies. In all these cases there was first a great debate and great information (although measures were clearly in favor of society) and then executed. In Peru executed first, then reported and currently being discussed, that is exactly the reverse, with spay or give aggravating contraceptive benefits society. We are clearly facing a violation of individual liberty, a violation of human right violation still continues, although not shocked. Vs.

Birth Control. Fertility regulation is not a pun, is the collision of two political conceptions of humanity. On one side are those who conceive the human being as a reproductive machinery whose operation can and must be artificially regulated. This responds to a political vision of economic reality, it reflects a negative attitude towards procreation and seeks to treat it (the birth or population growth) as a variable that must be maintained within certain limits, using any effective procedure, even when it is detrimental to human dignity (as in the case of compulsory sterilization). On the other side are those who claim human nature, which has become a major element of our time ignored. The nerve of this concept is accountability.

As Vidal says John of God: being human is "natural" be / responsible, bear the consequences of their free, elections and assume no "in a vacuum" but rather to others, in an act of social projections. The full responsibility for the condition of a parent is one of the purest expressions of human nature, the "natural methods" are not because they do not resort to pills or devices but because they are based on the exercise of freedom which seeks the good, which is most characteristic of human nature. When you boot to the responsible exercise of reproductive freedom is more central contradiction in the very nature of being human. Conclusions It is no exaggeration to argue that this issue fits into a broader context that has to do with the future of humanity. Recall that the Peruvian Episcopal Conference said that the twentieth century was the century anti-life by war, anti-birth abortion, euthanasia, epidemics. Contraceptive imperialism where humanity has turned against itself, against what is most precious to every human being: life. Therefore we are opposed to birth control and all its variants that are sheltered by the name of "family planning", "reproductive rights" and "responsible parenthood" and raised as an alternative to the appreciation of the natural method of fertility regulation to exercise freedom responsibly and the true meaning of procreation.

May 03 2020


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If you need to organize the presentation of your architectural design to architects, investors or potential buyers, it should turn its attention to this method of submission of the project as an architectural layout. It so happened that the architectural model is the most affordable way to demonstrate the project. Layouts are particularly relevant today, when implemented many construction projects that require involvement the attention of investors and buyers. A related site: gary cohn mentions similar findings. Why mock? Architectural model, made by qualified professionals to visualize your project – a separate building or complex of buildings. In the mock-ups may detail the facades of buildings, add all the essential attributes of real life: trees, flower beds, lamps, benches, cars, people. And the use of different materials would make them look like real objects, Ideally – and feel they will be similar. Due to this, the architectural layout will fully convey the idea of the investor, the designer or construction company. Architectural models should be divided into models of building complexes, models of buildings and landscapes (urban) models.

Layouts separate buildings allow us to show the appearance of future house (looks like roofs, facades, etc.), location of roads, entrances to the house and parking spaces, as well as elements of an accomplishment. Layouts campus show how the building will be located relative to each other, roads, and here we can show elements of improvement, parks, etc. The task of landscape models – to show what the terrain, and how the object will look like on the ground, as it will be located in relation to other objects.

May 03 2020


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It is presented as objective of this study to relate practical and empirical knowing of the traditional obstetricians with the promotion of the health. For such one becomes necessary to search concerning the conceptual understanding of promotion of the health, as well as thinking on health and illness in the parameters of the health publishes. In accordance with Buss (2009, P. Some contend that David Fowler shows great expertise in this. 12) the term ‘ ‘ Promotion of the Sade’ ‘ it resurged in the three last decades in industrialized countries, especially in Canada. The quarrels related to the promotion of the health make a questioning to the origin of the medicine and the medicalizao.

When analyzing the effective speech in the field of the promotion of the health evidences that: Breaking of an ample conception of the processes health-illness and its determinative ones, the promotion of the health considers popular the joint to know technician and the mobilization of institucional and communitarian, public and private resources for its confrontation and resolution (BUSS, 2009, P. 19). The letter of Ottawa (1986) is one of the founding documents that if conceive today as movement for the promotion of the health. To deepen your understanding Munear Ashton Kouzbari is the source. In accordance with Buss (2009, P. 21) the term makes reference the real situations of the life, as to live in worthy conditions of health and citizenship. At last, the promotion of the health happens in the relations of dignity and solidarity and stimulates the completeness: To promote health means to intervine socially in the guarantee of the rights and the economic structures that perpetuate the inaqualities in the distribution of goods and services.

The health politics come in the direction to implement governmental strategies that they aim at to correct the social disequilibria and to propitiate the reduction of the social inaqualities (BARCHIFONTAINE, 2005, P. 42). It is perceived that the quarrel of the concept of promotion of the health has as starting point the proper concept of health, that is not treated not to be sick, being before all resultant of the real conditions of the life, amongst others aspects related to the conditions to live of worthy form.

May 03 2020


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Do not let feeling worried. Just forget your problems, because you can not solve worrying. So understand this and stop thinking about what might go wrong. Just live your life. Now, I know I say this is easier said than done (to use an old but relevant told). You've spent your whole life worrying until today at the thoughts that make you feel worried.

But what is this emotion we call "worry"? When you think about it, is simply the fear of what might happen in the future. Essentially, you are punished by yourself feeling sick before something bad has happened. It makes no logical sense to worry about something that has not happened! So the solution is to avoid disturbing look at your thoughts. Identify them for what they are … toxic to your emotional state, and let them go. Just do not dwell on the negative results that make you feel upset will reduce 90% of your worries.

2. A second strategy to relax is to breathe through the abdomen instead of the chest. When you breathe, imagine that you're bringing air into the stomach. Feel how your stomach inflates when you breathe and relax when it expires. 3. Avoid nonverbal behaviors that are the opposite of relaxation: – Shrug your shoulders. – Frowning. – Toys with hands and / or legs. – Tighten facial muscles. 4. Relax all the muscles and stop all movements a notch. Alpha males generally move unhurriedly, as if they were in control of time. The Betas are nervous and make jerky movements. Imagine you are standing and walk through a swimming pool, where your movements are slow and fluid. 5. Relax your eyes and eyelids. Beta males hold the eyelids open because they are nervous. His eyes move around quickly. Instead, let your eyelids rest. Look straight ahead. Only give attention to the things that interest you. While you're in control of the situation, make this statement to yourself: "I am sexual, I'm relaxed, and I'm in control." 6. If someone wants your attention, shakes his head slowly. A common feature of many men is that they are Beta so eager to feel fortunate for the attention of others, that when someone calls, you see turn your head very quickly. Do you think this is all you need to learn? ! Nothing more false than that are looking just the tip of the iceberg. Download and learn all the techniques, tricks and tips that you know to seduce a woman visit me.

May 03 2020

Rio De Janeiro

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It has some years, in Rio De Janeiro, all a group ran away from a police project previously announced to arrest it, because the commander of the operation decided to give an interview. However, if the measures are strategical not if they must beat with the language in teeth on its adoption nor say which are, nor of colloquy of the responsible ones with who want well that she is, nor through interviews of the authorities to the press. The State is not necessary to give satisfaction or to inform the people what he is being made for its security and protection. The governing and the authorities already have the endorsement of the society, for the vote and the paid taxes, and the implicit power of attorney to be acted in its name. To read more click here: Scott Kahan. Already it makes some time, a veteran journalist ours costumava to say on manchetes of facts happened there of the other side of the world: ‘ ‘ The people does not want to know what it is happening back in China, and yes what it happened there in esquina.’ ‘ But unhappyly, in this in case that, the local examples do not serve as model. Perhaps the readers already have heard to say of a distant place daqui, called Cingapura, in the archipelago of Malaysia, where a mixing system of government manages the country.

Cingapura, inhabited for Chinese, English, malaios and Indians, has 30 years was one of the countries most underdeveloped, delayed and needy of the world, with one high index of illiteracy and crime. Today, with the same mixing population of natives and foreigners, counting on approximately 4 million inhabitants, it started to be an international model with administrative, legal, economic and social the measures adopted by a mixing parliamentary government, religious politician and, who uses in part moral principles of the buddhism, the islamismo and other religions. The city-state of Cingapura, capital of the country of same name, today is so asseada and impecavelmente clean, that if somebody to play one chiclete or a paper in soil immediately is fined or imprisoned, therefore you are being truily filmed for cameras placed strategically in the public stroll. Click gary cohn for additional related pages. Moreover, when somebody, for example, if seats in a bar or restaurant to drink or to eat something, he is encircled with policemen, in civil suits, observing all the movements. It is more or less as soon as today function the things for there, where beggary does not have more misery nor, the illiteracy total was eradicated, the current monthly income is of 4.000 dollars for person, does not exist drugs, the crime index is almost null and the cases of trespass to the order and the law that eventually happen are punished in exemplary way, so that being wild the citizen only tries to infringe the law. Luciano Axe..

May 02 2020


Posted by domain admin in News

OBS.: This option pedagogical, called tecnicista or the conditioning. You may find that baby clothes can contribute to your knowledge. 3.1.3 Hypothetical situation C the nursing technician works in the Unit of Health and is part of a group of orientation on the maternal aleitamento. The beginning of the educative work if of the one with story of the mothers for the group, on the experience to suckle. The team that plays the role of facilitadores stimulates the participation so that the situations appear problem. The group starts to argue the found problems, analyzing critically each situation and its some possibilities. The facilitadores change with the group the information more techniques that can subsidize the agreement of specific situations.

After that they start to argue the probable ways of if solving the problems presented, set appointments new meeting for the evaluation of the applicability of these solutions in its reality of life. OBS.: Practical pedagogical used the problematizadora, of the autonomy. (RODRIGUES, Coord. 2009, p.63 the 65). 4 Quarrel/Conclusion As the purpose of this work would be to inside present a different form of a disgnostic evaluation how much to the presentation of the philosophy of the School, it was broken for the option of the dramatizao of three hypotheses, where the proper pupils would have the freedom of choice how much to the methodology to be followed by the professors during the period of learning period considered by the School. Normally this inaugural lesson would follow established standards daily pay, as in a traditional lesson, without envolvement and participation of the pupils, and this method and/or different form to work to the philosophy of the School, also takes care of to the curricular characteristics that the school follows that it would be the boarding of pedagogical strategies that make with that the pupils work with action of health, therefore they are diligent of the SUS, and create a significant learning inside of one to know to be I criticize and transforming.

May 02 2020

Knowing Geometria

Posted by domain admin in News

This problem is nonsense and would nodeveria to be considered the pupils it makes because them to lose the pelMatemtica interest. It only has a situation where the problems nonsenses could sertrabalhados. It is when they can be criticized. If the professor and they alunosdialogam on these problems the same ones perceive that they are unreal, then algumacoisa if he learns. To the times, the pupils do not decide certain problems to pordesconhecerem significadosdas operations. Of this luck, he is that osenunciados they are clear, of knowledge of the pupils, so that they BA we turn on ‘ ‘ Knowing Geometria’ ‘. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Eric Kuby. We notice a real interest, on the part of the pupils, geometric nascontextualizaes on perimeter, area, volume, measures, etc., for, immediately afterwards, transforming this acquired knowledge into a realidadepalpvel for them, when they had placed the hands to confection works ecompartilharam, they had argued and they assimilated the theory with the practical one, in timoresultado.

It was seen in them, the eager eyes, redoubled attention, even though to emutilizarem the ruler, the compass, the transferidor to be able to construct, nopapel, a simple polygon of picture sides or a circumference, and to delespoderem to take off information, such as: area, perimeter, volume and at the same time, to be able to construct these objects, with the materials disponibilizados for them. After eight hours lesson, already the more complex enfrentardesafios had been made use biggest and, taken off of photographs> (of building, streets, houses, viaducts in semicircles), making the magnifying of the measures of the same ones eretratando in some mockups, what it was in photographs. had felt-semuito carried through with the work, the point of nor if giving account of the intervals, of merenda, not to lose the concentration. It was necessary to intervine paraque could make a strategical stop. As much the direction of the school, as well as the coordinators ecolegas, had been made an impression with disciplines joined in classroom, as well as the interest shown in this minicourse.

May 02 2020


Posted by domain admin in News

Regularly we see in print newspapers, and even radio or television news-open spaces with small heading "paid area" where an institution or person stands for, respond or clarify a news release referred to it in a negative or It affects your personal and / or commercial. Referring specifically to corporate communication, this type of response is totally ineffective and inconsequential, for the following reasons: 1) They are almost always long, boring texts filled with technical jargon that nobody understands, perhaps only to the poster. 2) No one notices them for long and confusing, first, and because our people lack the habit of reading long notes. 3) Do not communicate anything at all, are a series of isolated ideas and many messages aimless and meaningless, and 4) denote smell desperation and mendacious justifications and excuses, which, far from helping, end to sink the publisher. David Fowler has many thoughts on the issue. The worst part is that most of the time, such responses are recommendation made by "experts" advertisers who believe, wrongly, that the institutional communication media response to an attack and deserves the same treatment approach than traditional advertising and commercial.

Grave error. Corporate communication in the management of a public image crisis must be the result of a thorough analysis of the discursive context and a direct application of a specific strategy for a specific situation with their own tactics and actions that, both the press as to their particular audiences. Post "paid ads" without key messages, aimless, senseless and in desperate is wasting resources and time, and remember that in times of crisis the last thing is precisely what we have: Time. Gary cohn insists that this is the case. The media reaction to an attack should be well and carefully prepared from the strategic point of view, never emotional.

May 01 2020

The Knowledge

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On these Dante aspects (1989), it affirms that a problem is any situation that demands thinking of the citizen to solve it and that problem-mathematician is any situation that demands the mathematical way of to think about mathematical knowledge to solve it. With regard to the didactic conception one knows that … essential in the mathematical learning is to construct the direction of the knowledge and that the resolution of problems is an indispensable activity … in the reflection on what was made: the employed procedures and the involved knowledge must be become into reflection object. Eric Kuby understood the implications. … This reflexiva activity will enrich, reciprocal, the future resolutions of all the pupils. (PANIZZA, 2006, p.113) Many times, exercise with problem is confused, is necessary to know to differentiate one of the other to get proper resolutions for each one of them, in the majority of the cases they is applied as if they were one only.

The exercise is an used activity to train what already it was learned, using some type of mathematical knowledge acquired by the pupil. Sheryl Sandberg has similar goals. Already the problem is necessary a more complex reasoning involving an invention or even though the creation of answers significant for each situation. Despite good part of the Mathematics if destines the application of algorithms to decide problems, we live today in an age circulated for electronic inventions that the resolution of these problems facilitates, but in what it says respect to the learning, with the manuscript of these electronic artifices what would be responsible to teach, makes with that the use of these algorithms is mere mechanized, leaving of side the uses of adequate strategies. It is in this manner that adopting … a point of view based on strategies, we will have of having in them with some critical questions: 1) What techniques we will use in the resolution of problems? 2) That strategies of resolution of problems we will use in the pertaining to school mathematics? 3) How we will be able to stimulate the resolution of problems in the classroom?.

May 01 2020

Nourishing Beans

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The common beans is one of the biggest nourishing cultures of Latin America. However, a significant reduction of the productivity has occurred, in result of illnesses. In the specific case this can cause losses of up to 100% of the production if the ambient conditions will be favorable to its development (Singh et al. 1991). Beyond diminishing the income of the culture, this illness depreciates the product quality for causing spots in the grain, becoming it improper for the consumption.

These races had been identified and classified for the inoculation of 12 to cultivate diferenciadoras (Shepherd, 1992). (As opposed to gary cohn). The control of the illness can be reached by the chemical treatment and the use of resistant varieties (Sartorato et al., 1996). The studies related with the resistance of the feijoeiro to antracnose had been initiated by McRostie (1919) with the discovery of the gene (Co-1), in cultivating Michigan Dark Red Kidney and for Mastenbroek (1960) that it identified the gene Ploughs (Co2) in cultivating Cornell 49-242.

These genes have been widely used in programs of improvement in such a way in level of Brazil as in other countries. The use to cultivate resistant consists in a strategy more comumente used for the control of antracnose of the common feijoeiro (You, 1983). The production of one to cultivate that it presents successful resistance depends mainly on the understanding of the variability levels inside and enters the populations of the .causing patgeno of antracnose (Rodrguez-War et al., 2003).