Dec 15 2021

Doctor Web

Posted by domain admin in News

Therefore, pro scan the entire computer-to-date antivirus program. If you have read about Southwest Airlines already – you may have come to the same conclusion. So, you realize that you need to do? Connect to the Internet, right click the icon for your antivirus program's system tray (bottom right corner of the screen) and the menu click the left mouse button on the line to update (Update). Once all updates are written, run anti-virus scanner and wait for the results of his work. The program may hang. Turn it off and start again, and so on until it checks the entire computer. Detected viruses and infected files try to cure, and if they are not cured, remove them.

When will get rid of all the "contagion" can begin to re install. There are two options: transfer facility or a new installation. Re setting – it's rewriting only the system folder Windows. In this case, all your documents and programs will remain in place and unharmed. The new unit – a record of the operating system for free on the data drive. Y careless user may not have an antivirus program.

It does not matter. You can check the computer manufacturer's website connected to anti-virus. For example, go to "Doctor Web ( and click the left click on the bar Why procrastinate? Check the files you can right now!. After that your computer is scanned about online. A similar test is proposed on the site Kaspersky Anti-Virus. The main thing you need to do – is figure out Is your computer viruses. If the infection is still a need to format the hard drive before installing the operating system.

Dec 15 2021

From November

Posted by domain admin in News

If landlord not allowing the online message want to use, the classic way of handwritten filling in a dorm and the input is carried out by the employees of the tourist information Office. The Internet portal was developed as online help. In the style of the well-known Wikipedia all information about procedure, application, and technology is available for the user always. The only very low technical requirements on the use of digiMELDE when the plants are a decisive advantage over the previously on the market regulatory reporting software offerings: A computer with Internet connection, a current Web browser, Adobe Reader and a standard printer comply with Acrobat to print the forms provided by the tourist information. Revolutionary features of the system are the unique validity checks of the guest card and guest tracking via bar code system. Use this opportunity REIT in the Winkler hosts successfully! From November 23, 2009, every landlord in the test system of the ease of use and intuitive menu navigation was able to convince himself.

Dec 15 2021

United Nations

Posted by domain admin in News

Each caetiteense consumed in mdia149,24 liters of water per day and in the year of 2007 this consumption was of 120,02litros of water per day, that considering cities with consumption to per lesser capitamaiores that 200l/dia and that 70l/dia we can say that water the percapita consumption of Caetit if approaches to the bahian average (113,10l/dia). In accordance with Organizao of United Nations (ONU), each person needs 3,3 /pessoa/ms m, that is, about 110 liters water per day taking care of to the necessities deconsumo and hygiene and alone to have an idea, a bath of 15 shower of minutosconsome 144 liters of water. The EMBASAdisponibiliza about 1.342.850 m of water per year pra the city of Caetit eaproximadamente 18% of this water is lost in the distribution, according to algunsespecialistas the ideal would be that this loses was of in maximum 10%. Deducting 8pontos percentages from it loses in the water distribution of Caetit, to reach aperca ideal (10%), these 8% would give to supply 617 families of quatromembros, assuming umconsumo to per capitade water of 120 liters per day. Sheryl Sandberg has firm opinions on the matter. Of all water produced for not contabilizada BASES 3.27%, that is IT BASES, it does not receive for it.

This phenomenon is causadogeralmente for the linkings d' water clandestine, the celebrities ' ' Gatos' ' , in a comparative degree with 2 the surrounding cities, Caetit has the minor loses in the water invoicing, where cities comoGuanambi, Brumado, Release of ours senhoraa lose in the invoicing are around 13 20%. In the year of 2003 the caetiteense paid to R$ 0,89 for the metrocbico d' water and in 5 years hears an increase of 74,15% in the average water tariff, arriving R$ 1,55 in 2007. In this exactly period the total collection arrived to aduplicar and the investment carried through in the water supply was of R$30.000, 00.