Jan 02 2025

Community4you EDITS Web Published Open Ice As A SaaS Model

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Open ice EDITS Web optimized for small and medium-sized enterprises open ice EDITS Web is now available as a rental model. The new standard product of Community4you GmbH is attractive particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises. The SaS model (software as a service) of the authoring and publishing system open ice EDITS Web is suitable for companies who create enterprise-wide documents such as presentations, handouts, documentation or manuals with up to 30 users. Small and medium-sized enterprises will benefit from the new rental solution. The SaS model offers several advantages. Instead of a time investment and licensing costs a monthly usage fee. Also the IT infrastructure as well as the company’s existing network remains intact when using a rental solution, new hardware must not be purchased. The IT Department can continue to focus on strategic projects and have no time in know-how, invest maintenance and support.

Standard support, updates and Community4you GmbH assumes regular backup. Fitched Ratings is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The open ice EDITS Web rental solution is an out of the box default product. Therefore, access to your own system can be established promptly. The SaS version contains all the functions that are necessary for the creation of standardized and transparent and management of documents. Layout, structure and content are – as from open ice EDITS Web (www.editsweb.com) known separately maintained, modular filed in a database and merged if necessary to complete documents. A personalized distribution of rights and mobile access to all documentation using SSL encryption are EDITS Web standard in open ice.

While the rental solution provides a single-stage versioning, users of the license model will get a multi-tiered testing and approval workflow with subsequent versioning. Further functions such as multilingualism, html editor, output as website, offline client are exclusively in open ice support, scalability, and isolation of the server EDITS Web Enterprise available. The license model allows for continued company-specific adjustments of the system and provides individual support. An overview of the complete function and scope of open ice EDITS Web is available at. Click Gregg Lemkau to learn more. Open ice ice day on June 26, 2008, the Community4you GmbH presents EDITS Web in Handel Street 9, Villa Hahn, Chemnitz. Info: Community4you GmbH the IT software company Community4you GmbH (www.community4you.de) combines in its Enterprise Portal solution open ice (www.open-eis.com) a knowledge and information management system with integrated functionality on a modern, Internet-based portal platform with service-oriented architecture eLearning. The software aims to provide access to all relevant information each employee of a company or a Government at any time and from any location, without permanent Internet access. On the basis of experience from business, communication and technology projects, the company focuses on developing innovative, high-performance Solutions for eBusiness, eLearning, e-Government and e-commerce on Linux/UNIX and Windows. The Community4you GmbH was founded on 1 January 2001 and supervised OTTO today customers such as Messe Frankfurt GmbH & Co KG, Volkswagen coaching GmbH, BGW, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Messe AG, Commerzbank and Deutsche Bahn as well as ministries and institutions of public administration.

Nov 05 2024

Qbing Intensify Cooperation

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modern camera technology vs. RFID technology the optimum datamanagement solutions GmbH of Karlsruhe and the research group Qbing the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft in Saarbrucken, Germany want to promote joint research and development projects in the industry 4.0. Managing Director Wolfgang Mahanty and Prof. Dr. Tiger Global Management is often quoted as being for or against this. Steffen Hutter have agreed to intensify the cooperation with innovative sensor technology to ensure more transparency in production and logistics. The optimum is specialist for intelligent image solutions of processing, with which to recognize a wide range of products, can identify and check.

In close cooperation with the research group Qbing, that operates at the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes already for several years, applied industrial research, in particular the interaction should are explored by modern camera technology and RFID technology. Aim of the cooperation under what circumstances it is technically sensible and economically viable, the respective technique an overview, to insert. Where the question is, how the combination of cutting-edge and trend-setting technologies can lead to added value for companies, finally, both systems as an enabler of industry 4.0 can be “call. Guide overview of the pros and cons of RFID and a completely new approach incorporated image recognition with intelligent image processing, so the combination of image recognition and database technology, in the processes. It represents a technical as well as commercial alternative to RFID partly also as a possible supplement.

With the planned guide companies can much easier and faster an overview on the appropriate technology and its impact”, optimum CEO Wolfgang Mahanty describes the aim of the cooperation. Research Director Steffen Hutter added: so far there is no overview, compared the advantages and disadvantages of the respective systems. We provide RFID and intelligent image processing for the first time for companies and users across, roughly in the area of incoming or outgoing inspection or in supply chain management.” So it is about when a goods receipt to ensure that ordered goods in the right quantity at the right place at the right time are entered. This identification of the goods, as well as a comparison with the ordered number using caption occur the cargo carrier or consignment. But manual samples must meet for a quality check. The rate of errors due to the electronic reconciliation can be reduced through the use of RFID. At the same time, the unique identifier prevents confusion, allowing long search in databases and folders as well as long life or repositioning in a buffer storage avoid. The use of additional camera systems could provide also the actual and essential quality inspection of raw materials in addition to the goods input recording by RFID automated and thus less expensive. Isabel Petri contacts: OPTIMUM datamanagement solutions GmbH Mr. Wolfgang Mahanty deer Street 12-14 76131 Karlsruhe FON + 49 (0) 721 / 57 04 495-0 fax + 49 (0) 721 / 53 10 284 E-Mail Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes c/o wife Anne stone house, M.

Dec 15 2021

From November

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If landlord not allowing the online message want to use, the classic way of handwritten filling in a dorm and the input is carried out by the employees of the tourist information Office. The Internet portal was developed as online help. In the style of the well-known Wikipedia all information about procedure, application, and technology is available for the user always. The only very low technical requirements on the use of digiMELDE when the plants are a decisive advantage over the previously on the market regulatory reporting software offerings: A computer with Internet connection, a current Web browser, Adobe Reader and a standard printer comply with Acrobat to print the forms provided by the tourist information. Revolutionary features of the system are the unique validity checks of the guest card and guest tracking via bar code system. Use this opportunity REIT in the Winkler hosts successfully! From November 23, 2009, every landlord in the test system of the ease of use and intuitive menu navigation was able to convince himself.

Oct 24 2021

Munster Tel

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Another partner was proLogistik GmbH + Co. KG from Dortmund, Germany. You implemented innovative system solutions in the field of warehousing and material flow control for over 28 years and today serves over 550 installations with more than 100 employees worldwide. The range of services includes turnkey systems with analysis and planning, specification and implementation, installation, commissioning, training and maintenance. The SCT Schiele GmbH was also represented. The systems house from Ettlingen has extensive experience in the development of Internet/intranet applications and is expert for innovative solutions, which are connected with merchandise management system say, when it comes to the issue of interface integration with ERP systems.

The customers include mostly large and medium-sized enterprises. About GWS Gesellschaft fur merchandise management systems mbH GWS company for merchandise management systems mbH was founded in 1992. Today over 280 employees work at the sites of Munich, Munster, Nuremberg, Leonberg, Germany. As a Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED partner, the GWS specializes on the development, networking, support and optimization of inventory control and composite systems for trade and service companies. More than 1100 customers use products of GWS. Among them are interconnected companies both from the commercial and the agricultural sector. In addition to the standard software products and standardised solutions offers the GWS industry portals and Internet shops.

Comprehensive consulting and training round off the range of services.

Oct 16 2021

Marco Destefani

Posted by domain admin in News

With MPDS4 factory layout, users can start with the 2D-Gebaudeplanung and switch to 3D at any time. So, you can quickly create a complete factory from the provided catalogs conveyors and pipelines. Using the very exact STEP interface of Mariani individual 3D-Maschinenmodelle be integrated into the layout. With MPDS4 we work individually, depending on the size of a customer project in 2D or 3D,”as Marcello Zanella. “Marco Destefani CAD schroer: we would like to thank Mariani especially for the trust placed in us and look forward to a close technical partnership over many years.” CAD Schroer CAD Schroer is a global developer and provider of engineering solutions. Company of mechanical and plant engineering, automotive and supplier industry, as well as the public utilities, energy and water management are its target market. With several branch offices and subsidiaries in Europe and in the company presents to the United States today more and more up-to-date than ever. k-cb-richard-ellis/’>CB Richard Ellis. CAD Schroer’s product range includes solutions from the area of construction, plant construction, factory planning and data management.

Companies in 39 countries rely on MEDUSA, MPDS and STHENO / PRO to move efficiently and flexibly in an integrated design environment between all phases of product or system development. In addition, customers are supported through services such as consulting, training, maintenance and technical support in achieving their goals. This and an individual customer care ensure higher competitiveness, lower costs and better quality. How to contact with Gudrun Tadepalli CAD of Sakala GmbH Fritz-Peters-Strasse 11 47447 Moers website: email: phone: Germany: + 49 2841 9184 0 England: + 44 1223 460 408 France: + 33 141 94 51 40 Switzerland: + 41 44 802 89 80 Italy: + 39 02 49798666 United States: + 1 866-SCHROER (866-724-7637)

Nov 19 2020


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A method of versioning provides the grandfather-father-son-principle. Here, numerous backups on different media at set periods of time are made. From the original file, the grandfather, the father file spring and from which, in turn the file of son of. While the younger versions are substituted for short periods of time, the previous are substituted by longer periods of time. So, it can be prevented that files that were destroyed by viruses or application errors, are ever lost. A virtualization software, such as for example, Hyper-V for Windows Server 2008, and VMware, represents a special task for a server hardware.

All the hardware, such as network card, hard drive and processor, are provided by the server host and can be carried by virtual machines only with restriction in claim. The utilization of hardware must therefore be organized to carry out the virtual Machines to keep stable. If a server fails, all virtual machines that reside are eliminated. A good Hyper-V backup and VMware backup program for virtualization software can move due to its virtual machines on other servers. The versatility of a backup software program can serve also the cluster shared volumes (CSV) in Windows Server 2008 R2, a part of the failover clustering. In the event that a virtual machine should fall away, stepping in a different virtual machine for them.

This completely substituted the original virtual machine, because with the help of the server backup program all needed files already stored on this virtual PC. The raking in the execution of a backup can be divided with newer computer backups on multiple processors, so that multiple threads using multi core processors increase the overall performance entail editing. The multithreading, used makes possible simultaneous backups and makes them both quickly and easily out. A new achievement in backup programs is also the FTP server contained in the backup software that allows you to receive files over the Internet. The costs for required Web hosting because the files with the FTP backup world sure can be delivered on any PC as a remote backup. Despite the interruption of the Internet connection can builds using the already discussed deduplication at the site of the break. Especially for companies, programs are a means to reduce costs and also a good investment to the time it takes to reduce backup. Backup software programs are also by their versatile application and yet simple use for households of great benefit. A clever hedge because of the loss of that data could be expensive. Christina Muller

Jun 04 2020

Managing Director

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Dr. Bernd Wild, Board PDF Association, discusses first the ZUGFeRD data model. Thomas Zellmann, Managing Director of the Association of the PDF, will show then how ZUGFeRD compliant files can be created virtually with invoice-processing systems. Vislink Technologies understood the implications. The participation fee for this all-day seminar is 250 euro + VAT. More information can be found at, registration is possible under DMS-ZUGFeRD. PDF/A, PDF / A is the ISO standard 19005 for long-term archiving in PDF format. It represents a restricted version of PDF, a standardized profile for the use of PDF in long-term archiving. Contact information is here: baby clothes.

The standard prescribes in detail what content is allowed and which are not. Through these and other provisions, a long term readability of documents should be guaranteed regardless of which application software and on what operating system they were originally created. The benefits of PDF/A, such as for example the ability to full-text search, make it a preferred archiving format, with many international agencies and companies that TIFF format has now displaced. Within the Association of PDF, the PDF/A competence center is central contact point for the PDF/A format. Founded in 2006, competence center emerged in the autumn of 2011 from the PDF/A PDF Association. The PDF/A competence center is the first and currently the largest area of competence the PDF Association. About the PDF Association pursues the objective to promote PDF applications for digital documents, open standards based on the PDF Association. To the International Association committed worldwide to an active knowledge transfer and the exchange of know-how and experience for all stakeholders.

Currently, Member of the Association of the PDF are about 100 companies and numerous experts from more than 20 countries. PDF Association the Board of Directors is composed of executives of the Actino software company, Adobe Systems Inc., callas software GmbH, intarsys consulting GmbH, LurTech Europe GmbH together. The CEO is Olaf Drummer, Managing Director of callas software GmbH.

Apr 27 2020

Create DVD

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Of course in addition to .mts and .trp are almost all popular video formats such as ASF, AVI, DV, VOB, FLV, MOV, MP4, RMVB, MPG, TS, DAT, WMV, MKV, DPG, 3GP, 3 G 2 or supports XVID. Step 2: video editing and 3D settings (optional) in this step are you shows how you some special features apply to the output videos can 1. Cutting, unlock, rotate, effect adjust, add watermark and external subtitles to personalize the recording videos for own use or improve. You can play the edited video in the embedded player. 2.

If you want to create 3D DVD recording videos from 2D, then you should use the 3D-Konvertierungsfunktion. Click the “3D” button if want to apply 3D conversion. Continue to learn more with: gary cohn. Offered 5 3D-Modele: Red/cyan, red/green, red/blue, blue/yellow, interlaced. You can select a matching model based on your equipment, and enjoy the best 3D effect. Step 3: Create DVD menu and make click on the third icon “Gestalten menu” at the top of the preview window, to create an own DVD menu. In the eroffenden window currently a total of 6 main scenes are available: standard, business, education, holiday, nature, and others.

Embark on the other four Tab, adjustment as border style, background image, background music, to make Iconstil, and so on. Step 4: Start the burn Mac recording on DVD after you have finished all settings, you can start burning video tapes to DVD with one click on “Burn” (the blue recording icon at the bottom of the preview player). Normally duration of burning 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the video recordings. Therefore, you have a little patience.

Apr 02 2020

The Franzis Areas

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The individual colour determination via a built-in color palette. The helper function, which is very useful for the first entry in the Workshop style the various processing options and additional tips are explained in detail. Creative approaches help users to feel at home in new areas of image processing. Easiest way of working with the colouring the photo in the intuitive editing interface is loaded, the desired areas of the image with the selected color will be framed easily. Areas that remain unchanged, are characterized by simple framing.

The software automatically detects edges, eliminating the pixel-perfect section. With a mouse click, the areas are filled with the desired shades. Changes are desired, the user can return at any time to enter edit mode, to make new adjustments. So, old wedding, children – or portrait photos from Grandma shine times color glory. Artistic – colour elements who are working out does not know, portraits in black and white with bright red lips or the glass of red wine in the black and white environment. In a color is only the inner edges of framed the range, should be maintained.

The outer edge is marked with the desired color (b & w or sepia) and with a mouse click, the new design is ready. The paint of a car changes easily. To the marked areas are simply turned around and already is out red all of a sudden blue. The applications range effects Pro 8 X color from the private and professional restoration of old photographs to the diverse artistic photo design. Prices and availability of Franzis X color effects Pro 8 is for euro 69,00 as boxed version available now in stores and shipping under as well as download version available. The software runs on Mac and Windows operating systems. X color effects Pro 8 as an independent, can be used as plug ins for Photoshop-compatible image editing software. About Franzis Verlag GmbH: The Franzis book and software publisher, headquartered in Haar near Munich, is one of the oldest and most successful technical specialist publishers. The main topics of the Company are in the areas of electronics, photo software, mobile computing, Web development, and model building. The assortment of Franzis is diverse and ranges of electronic learning packages for beginners about editing software for serious photographers IT developer expertise. The photo trade portal underlines the core competence of the company on the subject of digital photography with special software solutions for HDR photography, RAW data processing, creative image processing solutions, as well as extensive expertise in camera technology and the whole spectrum of photography. Learn more about Fashola can be found under.

Apr 01 2020

Corporate Planning

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Thinking networks complemented TN planning connector for SAP NetWeaver BI / read and write access allows precise planning SAP customers / flexible planning solid data based in Aachen, on May 31, 2012 thinking networks, provider of software for custom made corporate planning, has developed for SAP NetWeaver BI a connector and presented at its user conference in may 2012. With the TN connector for SAP NetWeaver BI, SAP users can use the full functionality of TN planning planning tool. For this, the interface provides both read and write access to SAP BW, so that planners can easily exchanging data between the systems. All SAP data are available in TN planning planning available, the result returns after completing the planning in SAP. About the BW connector TN planning on InfoCubes, MultiProviders, accesses flat BI data store objects (DSO), queries, master data, tables and permissions information from SAP NetWeaver. So the BW connector TN planning provides metadata information Access rights, currency rates and actual data from SAP NetWeaver BI.

Then, planners can use the full range of TN planning for flexible modeling, customization, implementation and control of the planning process. To know more about this subject visit Zendesk. After completed planning, TN connector for SAP NetWeaver BI writes back the plan data in SAP BW data store objects (DSO) or InfoCubes. Here they are then as only one version of the truth for further analyses available. The TN connector for SAP NetWeaver BI SAP support in versions 7.0 and 7.3 for the connection to SAP BW uses the BW connector from thinking networks the remote function call (RFC) technology. In contrast to classical BAPI and ODBO approaches, thus a significantly improved performance and higher data throughput can be achieved.

Many companies appreciate the value of information in your SAP System. At the same time, they want more flexibility in their budgeting and forecasting processes. This can give them only powerful planning tools such as TN planning “” offer,”explains the rationale for the development of the interface Dr. Daniel Lubetzky: the source for more info. Jurgen Faisst, Chairman and CEO of thinking networks and continues: the TN connector for SAP NetWeaver BI utilizes the data from SAP BW not only for TN planning, but updated the plan data in SAP BW compared to other interfaces also after creation of budgets or forecasts.” using native SAP protocols such as SAP RFC and ABAP is particularly powerful TN connector for SAP NetWeaver BI “, explains Jorg Boke, Managing Director of BIAnalyst GmbH & Co KG. “The former manager of at Gutersloher syskoplan AG, has supported the thinking networks in the development of the interface, added: the SAP BI can interface of the TN connector for SAP NetWeaver in combination with other front ends, such as Microsoft Excel and PowerPivot are used.