Such regimes dreamed by Marx in fact had been restored in some parts of the world (in special in the Eastern Europe) from the beginning of century XX. Oracle is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Such regimes nor had always been generated by means of revolutions of the wage-earning diligent classrooms, and yes for decisions politics or imposition of another nation with regional influence. Certainly the imposition of this regimen to some nations, without popular support, became difficult the maintenance of this regional large-scale system. In this way, from the beginning of the decade of 1990 and with the dinamizao of the medias, the rupture occurred economic politics and of the socialist system, and thus the doors for one had confided ' ' against-revoluo' ' of the capitalism. This action finished for confirming what Marx signaled (and she condemned) in its writings, and possibly never the capitalism has had as much power of influence in the society as in last the twenty years of world-wide history contemporary. Companies of global capital had perceived, in the rupture of the old socialist block, a virgin and extremely fertile land for the expansion of its capitalist activities.
Local companies in desestatizao process allowed to great global conglomerates the setting in the locality (by means of the acquisition or association with these local companies), and a considerable amount of citizens was ' ' convertida' ' in consuming market by means of massive propaganda. The new consumers had started to have ' ' necessidades' ' of consumption good of which never they had had knowledge of its existence during the socialist regimen. He has two scenes very remembered in relation to these new necessities: the inauguration of the first unit of an American company of fast food in Moscow, in 1992, became manchete in the world-wide reporters when showing a queue of five hours to buy a sandwich. Another image is of an occurred fact so soon occurred the fall of the wall of Berlin, when German orientals simply abandoned its Lada automobiles or Trabant in the streets and immediately ' bought models of marks; ' ocidentais' ' to exhibit them in new capitalist Germany.