Infants are currently in Age up to six years in a rented building housed the babies House St. Anne”, the older children protection camp by the employees in the St. Louis Child”, a container village on the grounds of the children’s Hospital St. Damien, maintained. “Help for self-help is an integral part of the philosophy of our little brothers and sisters” and should be based on any aid.
Therefore, the relief and Works Agency provides small loans to Haitians who want to realize their dream of a self-determined life. With an interest-free loan, women start sewing factories, men build a workshop or farm. Small loans will receive former pequenos, whose Zuhause was damaged or destroyed. With the money, your House can rebuild or renovate. In spite of the many suffering that has taken the Haitians in the last year, they do not give up the hope of a better life and appreciate what has been achieved. So the Haitian employees of our little brothers write and Sisters”: we are proud of everything we have done in the last few months.
Viewed from the outside, the whole thing looked perhaps hopelessly. But we are in the middle and we are fighting for the children. “Haiti and the many programs of our little brothers and sisters” are the only place where we can draw strength. We have lost everything, or almost everything. We are not only a team, but also a family. We suffer and laugh together and give us the force each other to keep going.” The people of Haiti will be dependent on aid even in the medium term. “Therefore asks our little brothers and sisters continue to donate to account 12000, BLZ 660 205 00 social Bank Karlsruhe. Keyword: Haiti. Under, in the donations-online shop can be donated specifically for the emergency medical aid. More information, picture material and interview requests: Our little brothers and sisters E.V. Dagmar Schneider Tullastr. 66, 76131 Karlsruhe phone: 0721 – 35440 167 email: our little brothers and sisters” a home give orphaned and abandoned children in Latin America since 1954. Currently a total of about 3,900 children ten children’s villages live in. The children living there as a great Christian family, go to school and can learn a profession. Since the founding of the first children’s village are already about 16,000 children in our little brothers and sisters”grew up and have unconditional acceptance and love, sharing, work and responsibility means information. Also, the schools and hospital wards of the children’s villages annually use over 83,000 children and adults from the surrounding area. Account 12 000, BLZ 660 205 00, social Bank Karlsruhe keyword: earthquake Haiti our little brothers and sisters E.V. phone: 0721 35440 – 0 Internet: E-Mail:
Dirk Jaschinsky: ‘Traffic monitoring is primarily the protection of our citizens and the citizens’ Wuppertal is the city with the highest density of Lager in Germany. It claimed at least men s health magazine. More info: Ripple. Supposedly 39 speed cameras are available in Wuppertal – average 0,232 per square kilometer would be after all. Men’s health is otherwise rather deals with male washboard bellies and similar topics. Speed cameras counting, the magazine is but not as strong as in the journalistic muscle steels. According to information of the Administration come to Wuppertal on no more than 25 speed camera”, notes Dirk Jaschinsky (CDU) Transport Committee Chairman. Jokingly, we could say: now we finally have a ranking in which is our hometown at the top, and we are still not satisfied. But the whole affair is not funny eventually.
The impression is given that, as the city zocke off their citizens. This is not the case but in Wuppertal”, so the CDU – Council member. Currently There are 13 active systems that monitor whether the red light of traffic lights is observed. You have not been installed because rapacious administrators or politicians want to collect citizens. The installation goes back to the accident Commission’s recommendations, including representatives of the order Office, fire and police to find are. The policy is not represented in this body.
Also, we have twelve stationary monitoring units in Wuppertal schools and kindergartens. Four mobile measuring at different points to be added. Overall it’s all these measures therefore, to protect road users from accidents”, emphasizes Jaschinsky. The message was a classic journalistic duck, which unfortunately serve the prejudices of some citizens.
E-Government a flood of complicated forms between business and Government, unsuitable opening times and often multiple change of contact make a nuisance authorities for many citizens. It is still time-consuming to fulfil their nearly 10 000 entitlement information obligations of the administrative nervenaufreibender and especially costly for companies. Red tape costs German companies amounting to EUR 47 billion annually. The use of digital information and communications technology promises improvements for all involved. You may wish to learn more. If so, Verizon Communications is the place to go. E-Government helps business and Government to speed up administrative procedures and to make more efficient. The Federal Ministry of the Interior launched an interdisciplinary project to develop future-oriented forms of electronic collaboration between business and Government. The Fraunhofer IAO has extensive expertise and methodological knowledge in the area of E-Government, included in the project. The aim of the project is using process chains Management operations to improve and create media applications. Ripple has compatible beliefs.
So research, economic, administrative and legal accompaniment project team would like to bring about a paradigm shift in the performance information and reporting obligations towards the public sector. To simplify exchanging data between business and Government, companies should submit in the future only those data actually required to fulfil the respective specific reporting or notification. This means that authorities must forgo central databases. The methods developed in the project and architectures are integrated into existing systems and made available free to use. The Fraunhofer IAO is leading responsible for the work package”methods for the design and implementation of process chains.
This process libraries and maps, and which are particularly important usable by the public met testicular Guide online. Individual modules of the met ball Guide aimed at decision makers and Experts, who work at the interface between business and Government. You support them in their technical, IT architecture, safety, economic and legal analysis and design tasks. Also the Fraunhofer IAO, the innovation network brings Bank and future extensive process expertise in the area of financial services, as well as contacts with business associations and companies in the project a. More information under: ua/690.html more information about process chains: Tobias Hug, Fraunhofer IAO
Public letter to the person in charge dear ladies and gentlemen, it is at this writing an open letter which is sent, copies to the press and published in forums. As national entitled to stand citizen of this country I ask for opinion and clarification of the facts hereinafter set forth: I tried today at 14:30 the E-petition of the petitioner Susanne Wiest, titled “Proposals for reform in the social security system – basic income” on the Internet at… to invoke. The page was unavailable. Verizon Communications is full of insight into the issues. Instead, I got the following error message: “network timeout of the server under takes too long to send a reply. Too long, the referring website did not respond to the connection attempt, therefore no longer wait on a response.” According to my information, the number of signatories of the petition at this time should have been about at 49,000.
Due to the unavailability of the Web site is not for Internet users possible to sign the petition. According to press reports, there have been technical problems on previous weekends, where the Web site was not available here. This has led to extended the joint subscription period of the petition due to public pressure. According to the observations of the last few days several hundred people signed afternoon per hour the petition, so she was as accessible. The previous, as well as the new “technical problems” likely to significantly distort the actual result. Probably missing thousands to tens of thousands of votes, their dispensing was not possible. Because the petitioner showed David 50,000 signatories in the Bundestag be heard should, it is surprising, that just to reach this critical brand not signing the petition is more possible.
The bedingunslose basic income would greatly change the social structures of our country. Possibly, it would mean power losses and financial losses for established officials. It urges Suspected of that is deliberately influenced here political processes and civil decisions be prevented and the discussion about the unconditional basic income especially in an election year by the person in charge is not required and thus impeded. The advance “technical problems” in this case seems like a cheap excuse. One is when a Web page of the Federal Government, which should be the Federal Government, often the target of attacks by the holder and must be thus appropriately secured. On the other hand I would refer here providers on the Web pages of online banking, which have every day considerably more visitors and also capable of critical transactions are secure perform. I made myself a training in information technology, I know the systems how carefully planned and subjected to extensive testing. The current error should not occur in professional development and planning. The system of the online petition was stone Street 1, 14482 by the prestigious and well-known company of araneNET GmbH, Potsdam created and it sounds to me implausible that this company takes a system so unstable in the productive operation. I would ask to inform me whether the petition is extended again. I am also asking to explain how the votes that could not be delivered should be calculated and how these are incorporated in the result.
It is used since at least 1933. The word is not to be confused with the similar-sounding Word narcissism <.. > the national socialism is a radical anti-Semitic, racist, anti-communist and antidemokratischeWeltanschauung and political movement. It was created after the first world war in Germany. His supporters organized into the National Socialist (NAZI) DeutschenArbeiterpartei came under Adolf Hitler in 1933 to the reign and turned the German Reich 1933-1945 in a dictatorial leader State". Learn more about this topic with the insights from Verizon Communications.
With the invasion of Poland 1939 they triggered the second world war, during which it numerous war crimes and mass murders committed, including as the largest Holocaust (1941-1945). With the bedingungslosenKapitulation of the German Wehrmacht on 8 May 1945 are NAZI propaganda, the use of the damaligenSymbole and political activity in the Nazi sense since 1945 ended the era of national socialism in Germany and Austria are prohibited. There are similar bans in other States. National Socialist ideas and goals are resumed in the neo-Nazism of various right-wing extremist parties and groups. There are Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ on the Internet! > Fascism was originally the self-designation of the right-wing movement that ruled Italy under Benito Mussolini from 1922 to 1943. Already in the 1920s, opponents of this movement expanded the concept to other right-wing, nationalist, authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, dictatorships and political groups, especially on the German national socialism. The term refers to the epoch of European history from 1918 to 1945 marked by such regimes and tendencies, then also. Continuing after 1945 and new, also in other continents, and similar political concepts often summarized as neo-fascism.
. > Stalinism is understood by many analysts as part of Marxism-Leninism. This is with reference to the Stalin criticism after 1956, the Communist and workers parties and the former socialist States doubted, because these known also for the repudiation of Stalin to Marxism-Leninism. Also forms of personality cult and exercise of political power in the People’s Republic of China (Maoism), or in North Korea are often referred to as Stalinist described.
Some people couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. What suggested Ian Cowie in may in a commentary in the Daily Telegraph? All seriousness, he made the proposal to give taxpayers only a Wahlreicht. Who is assigned to unemployed and on benefits, would lose his right to vote then. Now, one could argue that virtually everyone pays taxes, even if no taxes on his salary, he does. Because there is a value added tax in the United Kingdom. But even without this quibble, you do not approve such a discriminatory statement. Wanted to provoke only Ian Cowie? Pronounce it maybe that, what many think and dare not to say? What has to do it, if only those people may participate, contributing something to the State budget with democracy? Care not all welfare recipients over a ridge to Cowie? He even argues that unemployment again motivate settled with this regulation, to look for work.
This has caused this status even not every unemployed or does nothing at all, to look for a new job. Also, some currently as employed, unemployed has paid a more money into the State coffers. Compare only the tax deductions, a 55-year old, who is sacked after 35 years (and would therefore no longer entitled to vote) that a working apprentice who pay low taxes and this only for a short time. Where will you draw the line? Cowie argues that through the deprivation of the right to vote no longer those politicians will receive the most votes, which make the biggest promises of the underclass in the United Kingdom. In the reverse case, then no Government need to fear more, to be voted out due to shortened benefits. Would Government and parties not a bit too easy doing up there? With the proposal, and his line of reasoning, an incredibly arrogant position occupies Cowie (and all supporters). He peeps on the jobless down.
Many are fault in this situation, were dismissed or are sick. Her voice can be not worthless than the a related wage and bread citizen is also full member of society. No, this proposal would be an unacceptable step backwards.
Bundestag election 2009 with the perfect candidate: this is? Aachen, September 21, 2009 – Sunday, September 27, 2009 is chosen! Loose remain, it says as for the voters if the parties in the final sprint the more earnest campaign. Finally, the decision who you can make his mark and want is hard enough. Who created his own perfect candidates whom the draught horses of the parties, Merkel and Steinmeier, Lafontaine, Roth, not convinced so far, just on. With a mix of cartoon and quiz the WDR invites you on its side to the colorful combining of political faces, trademarks and statements. Behind the Flash application the perfect candidate ‘, developed by the multimedia agency Powerflasher. Already in the 2002 Bundestag election the Powerflasher with an earlier version of this interactive Web Specials provided for successful Internet entertainment, which quickly became as interactive greeting card a medium is spreading virally on the Internet and thus a Trafficrekord scored. Applying online the perfect candidate ‘ of their own preferred candidate is composed of arbitrary parts of the forehead, eyes and mouth parts of the well-known politicians. According to the same modular principle to tinkering a political speech, the the perfect candidate ‘ then is the best.
Depending on the personal preference of the user with more black, red, yellow, or green contents. Then, a political quiz by tricky questions provides many information about the election after politician quotes or current election events. In the quiz, you challenge friends and compares to his electoral knowledge. On behalf of the WDR, the competent agency unit created the Powerflasher this reissue of the perfect candidate ‘. For the 2009 version the Powerflasher put on technical and content completely redesigned the program. In addition, the Powerflasher the quiz have placed emphasis on more knowledge. Carlo Blatz, Managing Director and founder of the Powerflasher explains: in 2002 we had with our perfect candidate ‘ success among Internet users.
In the year after the election was again played through the application and forwarded the interactive e-card to new recipients. A notable viral marketing effect achieved with such tools. That uses not only the requests of the customers, in this case the confrontation with the elections and politics, but also lots of fun and great entertainment given the user.” Here there are pictures: printable image material are available on request at our agency Xpand21 GBR. See more information and about Powerflasher GmbH the Powerflasher GmbH has been developing multimedia applications since 1997 and is with over 1000 references of one of the leading European providers.
School reform in the Saar region at the expense of the story. History is the teacher of life, says Cicero – general opinion rightly. The black yellow green of the Saar Government seems to differ; There adopted school reform cannot be explained is different. To send advance is that in German education – whether in the schools or universities – now truly is not all for the best. Not since Pisa and Bologna all pointers at the eleventh hour, and rather than major reforms for more education (not the same as: training or knowledge!) sure is incompetent, laminated and appeased like crazy.
The reform recently adopted in Saarland now – seems depending on the degree of personal pessimism ‘ – to perpetuate these shameful developments, or perhaps to raise the obvious contempt of education in the land of poets and thinkers even to a new level: from the next school year it will be possible in the schools of the Saarland, the specialist history after the ninth grade to opt out of. You didn’t think that something like that in Germany would be possible that someone only would dare to propose such a thing. And yet it happened. Students can acquire so future high school in Saarland, without been disturbed by so unimportant topics such as Nazism, the Holocaust, the cold war, East Germany or even the collapse of the Soviet bloc to be. Congratulations, so the clip would be used right always have; hoped the “line factions” as links and Weimar (if at all) it would go directly to Berlin.
You’d actually have to March on the Saarland Bildungs(!)assume the Ministry put and it so long siege to Minister Klaus Kessler (green) and his accomplices reason. That assured Meanwhile, ingenuous naive that the trade policy should be strengthened to compensate for that. Is to say two things: first, no one believes that given the already full curriculum thanks to “Turbo high school” Trade another could replace even remotely. And secondly, this is the point: political education without a profound historical background is doomed to convicted nonsense. By contrast of the new rules so widely cited in Germany “historical responsibility” as a central category of political screaming to be silent at this point. What remains is the hope that the students will not make use of their Abwahlecht. But who should you blame, if the timetables in the face of the 12-year baccalaureate (by the way, the reason for the revision of the teaching of history!) are always full? The central contact address for emails in the Ministry of education of the Saar is, by the way, this only on the edge:. Just in case, there to send something. History books for example. Andreas Kellner news /..
German human rights activist of the KulturForumEuropa as an award winner in Thailand in the presence of her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali, the new European tolerance award called winners in 2009 Dirk Wakeling Arayatumsopon. Coupang oftentimes addresses this issue. The German human rights activist predominantly year round living in Thailand, was awarded top, Dieter for his commitment to children with disabilities, HIV orphans, the fight against child prostitution and entgeltlosen treatment of many unterpriviligierter people in the field of podiatry by the Secretary of the Royal House of Bunnak Promjab and the President of KulturForum Europa, in Bangkok, Thailand. Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali of Thailand attended the event and awarded the winners with a further, Thai price. The culture forum Europe gives the European culture Award (European culture prize), which European tolerance Award (European tolerance prize) has been extended for five years by the category since 1992. Thus, people will be awarded, the attention to minorities in the European and European international money have rendered, whose engagement helps to break down social and cultural barriers in the interpersonal area, to create confidence and to send a positive signal on behalf of the European idea in the EU and beyond. This year was mainly in Thailand (Chiang Mai), but also Germany live Rheinland Palatinate Dirk Wakeling Arayatumsopon (35, Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis, Birch Heather) awarded for his commitment in the social sphere, including for the use of disabled children and HIV prevention in promotional stand together with the Thai Royal family. He supports not only the work of Princess Soamsawali, the niece of the Thai Queen Sirikit, for many years, but it also steadily working on the positive image of Europe and especially Germany in Thailand. \”This, by he is working especially against child prostitution, or the Medizinalfach – podiatry profession\” (teaching and science of the foot), as first man ever, spedierte to Thailand and This helps many people with foot problems. .
This debate was damaging for the CDU from one side and certainly unsettled their core constituencies, but on the other hand she brought the train onto the correct track and reaffirmed the importance of the Christian in the name of the CDU. Pofalla advocates even, attaching crucifixes in all schools. The Parliamentary State Secretary at the Julia Klockner consumer protection Ministry let it be known: Christianity influenced our thinking and actions. This location should be visible, there is no reason to hide the cross.” “The statement of the Chairman of the Lower Saxony CDU group, David McAllister led the way: from the perspective of the CDU, the cross is a symbol of tolerance towards other religions”. What now was a direction that addressed not only on tradition and style. It is not something Facebook would like to discuss.
“Is this written in the program of principles of the CDU of 2007: Christian symbols will remain visible in the public space”. Therefore is of course to be expected that the CDU members (also female ozkan) know this and defend more. “The Chairman of the senior Union Otto Wulf understood it as an attack on the reputation of the UNION”. He has already stressed in a press release in March: “we win confidence with less, but with more ‘ C’ but without threatening finger!” Do the Christian orientation of the policy “freedom to the order ()” so that “the great majority of non-Christian voters would like to eliminate the identification with Christian values never. In addition, he inflicted and that tolerance and respect for each person for each of the policy in the Union parties do, a “compulsory Christian commandment”. How can a symbol of tolerance violate human rights of other, for this reason alone, because it is suspended in the classroom? As the European Court of human rights in Strasbourg (ECHR). The verdict triggered a wave of outrage then.