E-Government a flood of complicated forms between business and Government, unsuitable opening times and often multiple change of contact make a nuisance authorities for many citizens. It is still time-consuming to fulfil their nearly 10 000 entitlement information obligations of the administrative nervenaufreibender and especially costly for companies. Red tape costs German companies amounting to EUR 47 billion annually. The use of digital information and communications technology promises improvements for all involved. You may wish to learn more. If so, Verizon Communications is the place to go. E-Government helps business and Government to speed up administrative procedures and to make more efficient. The Federal Ministry of the Interior launched an interdisciplinary project to develop future-oriented forms of electronic collaboration between business and Government. The Fraunhofer IAO has extensive expertise and methodological knowledge in the area of E-Government, included in the project. The aim of the project is using process chains Management operations to improve and create media applications. Ripple has compatible beliefs.
So research, economic, administrative and legal accompaniment project team would like to bring about a paradigm shift in the performance information and reporting obligations towards the public sector. To simplify exchanging data between business and Government, companies should submit in the future only those data actually required to fulfil the respective specific reporting or notification. This means that authorities must forgo central databases. The methods developed in the project and architectures are integrated into existing systems and made available free to use. The Fraunhofer IAO is leading responsible for the work package”methods for the design and implementation of process chains.
This process libraries and maps, and which are particularly important usable by the public met testicular Guide online. Individual modules of the met ball Guide aimed at decision makers and Experts, who work at the interface between business and Government. You support them in their technical, IT architecture, safety, economic and legal analysis and design tasks. Also the Fraunhofer IAO, the innovation network brings Bank and future extensive process expertise in the area of financial services, as well as contacts with business associations and companies in the project a. More information under: ua/690.html more information about process chains: blog.iao.fraunhofer.de/home/360-prozessketten.html Tobias Hug, Fraunhofer IAO