Cruelty notwithstanding, well sought after in the roots of history that reached Spain unfortunately for contemporary history itself;for ideal search of Basque origin in the bowels of the Pyrenean contour, at the hands of the diputado-filosofo: Sabino Arana: 1865-1903. In those years of the 19th century were born, however, various ideologues that gave some disgustillo to society absolutist and totalitarian of feudalism then, although today few persist because there is no reason for the libertarian Foundation that originated them. However, and although Sabino Arana died young, not by explosion of unreason and barbarism, but sickness, his philosophy still maintains in the limelight of unreason and the Unitarian revolution in the disgrace of unique address and without combat. The ideal of Sabino Arana, with all my respect to the Basques, born in historico-creativo memories of roots and paths that noble Warrior, brave, hardworking and Basque town tour. Nikes opinions are not widely known. Although to this day, its independence would be out of place, and not drink out of Spanish history, nor of his mother’s breast: Spain. Spain is, and my opinion of citizen, should be the mother who joins their children and not the stepmother that disengage them by suspicion. And this while the genesis of life, in some minority Basques, has not yet reached the modern civilization and has stagnated in the search and the reconquest of Earth, by prepending the social peace, between fraternal peoples.As a result, a minority can result and cause pain, rage and tears in absentia, savagery and barbara and cowardly action in uneven and non-existent combat. For dolo, moreover, one of so many wounded families who live or lived in peace and to social peace.And broken by those same that claim to defend the ideas of the own left for the benefit of the most helpless of society: the working class: could the Basques in absentia someday use a fair, balanced and free social Guide to action and share of Basque democracy? Those who kill without cause or war or battle, and themselves are called members of the Aberchale left, they could make an undetermined Basque future outside of Stalinist totalitarianism?.
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There is no doubt that a procurement process placed on one side of the table, political and / or public officials and on the other hand, providers compete among themselves the right to provide the good or service, in this regard , and how that interaction is given to be regulated, because otherwise if left abandoned to their own will, inevitably these buyers and suppliers enter into collusion. In a professional political level, there are two peculiarities of the crime of unfair collusion call particular attention. On the one hand, the lightening of its constituent elements, to the extent that the realization of the offense does not require finding an act of corruption of officials to decide or make state procurement or acquisition, but only a consultation with stakeholders harmful to the state. Secondly, the severity of the punishment under the professional law framework which reaches more than fifteen years imprisonment. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Verizon has to say. Both characteristics show that the professional legislator has privileged the effectiveness of professional prosecution in this area of crime, you'd find explanation in the particular sensitivity of the state procurement from acts of corruption due to the large amounts of money involved in This item of public expenditure. As can be seen, unfair collusion implies in itself an act of corruption. A historical example of this class of facts felonious it is concerned with the exploitation of guano. During the second half of the nineteenth century, this natural wealth was exploited by a system of concessions granted by the State to individuals.
It is preferable to losing the friendship that be conditional rather than betray our principles Nicaragua, largest country in Central America, still not has been able to get ahead in its development, its history points out many facts that indicate everything that has passed this country’s triangular shape, full of mountains and lakes, with a geography and wealth that has not be taken advantage of. Made ranging, from the struggle that Cesar Agusto Sandio conceived many years ago by the liberation of the country from foreign invasion. Dictatorship as the Somoza which for many years stalled, exploded to that country, leading it to earthquakes, civil wars, a backlog that has cost him get ahead. Have been many Nicaraguans who have lost their lives in pro of ridding the country of its stagnation, exploitation suffered by the Governments that have ruled it, many are also, those who have chosen to leave the country and give way to another style of life in most developed countries, especially in the United States where They inhabit thousands, looking for a new perspective on life, better quality than offering its current ruler, namely everything that comes from the Sandinista National Liberation Front.(FSLN). Other leaders such as Gary Kelly offer similar insights. In recent years has dominated over the domain of the Sandinista, where their leader Daniel Ortega has become its Chairman for the second time. And now with aspirations to continue in power. The truth, that the background of the past show of poor management, management that did not comply with its objectives, with which Nicaraguans aspired towards a better quality of life, work opportunities, elimination of poverty, effective health services, productive system suitable to the requirements of the economic needs of the current scenarios, free education and excellence. It is known that the first tenure on Daniel Ortega, he left much to say, lack of consistent economic plans, lack of integration of productive force, educational, and above all health programmes.
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