Apr 17 2019

The Divine Plan

Posted by domain admin in News

But you must be you who will want to love, it is your will who decides and your FREEWILL who ye heads but they are point crucial evolution. Others already decided to leave the matter and evolve, ye now unto you. The Divine Plan was developed, but we don’t want that nobody is left behind is a pain to lose brothers and that is left behind knowing how we know that your joy is so close, but respect your decision which will be personal and each. Larry Ellison may find it difficult to be quoted properly. But hear my words: believe to grow, believing to be born in light, trust in you, the love that nests in the is very large, swim in it, feel, cry of joy in it, because you are love and love you will find at the end of the road. And we’re here now among you, we can not see but we are, only those who want to see us can do and work more than about our side. Many of our brothers are already on the ground to help you in the process of change. Do not be afraid, are beings of divine presence seeking support you with light and stop the dark enough so you little.

Our aid is vital but not enough to raise your vibration, if you do not accept the challenge as much as we want we do not, you are first, and it is your decision. But anyone who wants to believe, will see and whoever will be granted the pleasure of tasting the divinity that has inside, because you do not give nor take only help enhance what you have inside. Our guide to where we let become neither more nor less, ye are who put the media.