The fatigue, the life, the people and the world in itself, are not nothing without the things that it says to be real. To these we do not have ourselves to be called it sonhador of dreams. In this classroom of ‘ sonhadores’ they are the worse human beings. Without delays, they costumam to invert its dreams with egoistic and unnecessary values. In third, we come across in them with the sonhadores that veem everything as a magician pass. It it dreams, it dreams and it dreams! But never it is strengthenn to carry through them.
One forgets that even though the flowers need to be watered. The images are changeable, however, it does not see as to use it na practical. In this platform they are the people whom they only know to dream without being sonhadores. Here also it is a significant parcel of the humanity. In the initial possibility they are the men sonhadores of dreams that love the life and want to transform the world without perceiving that to the man also it competes being ‘ camaleo’.
In second, they are the beings that if say practical, but little understands of the mystery of the life. It played to the garbage the first probability and ignores the third interpretation. Its stingy wisdom does not serve to the others and not even it. To these, I leave a sagacious comment to them of a true Sonhador de Sonhos: ‘ ‘ that it advances to be the man richest of the cemetary? ‘ ‘ (JOBS, Steve. Creator of the Company ‘ Apple’). To the last ones, the central polar region of the human beings fits. It has one I exaggerate with the metafricas images. It is confused with the first ones if they sink with the seconds. The world does not pardon them! It is common to die without great accomplishments. They believe the same happiness without knowing as to search it. If I was a poet, the dreams I would be equivalent it a sea of roses for where all would be capable to have them in the hands. If it was literato, could play with a capable world of all carried through being. If he was a shopenhaueriano philosopher, he would say that everything does not pass of a useless illusion and that the dreams are not valid to the penalty. As I intend to fulfill my small paper of ‘ shooter of free pensar’ , still yes, you do not matter as, you have, the Right To dream: the least for the time being! ‘ After all, it has centuries the great one drawn is to find the key that opens the lock of the door of frente’. Simple thus. It swims, moreover.