The fact that the premiums for such programs are not subject to tax deductions. As a result, in the State Treasury is paid you 13% tax. Taking into account all these factors and developed a program funded pension insurance. With the help of every person is guaranteed to provide a decent retirement. Here are a few benefits of participation in funded pension insurance program: opportunity to contribute, and hence receive a pension in any currency (rubles, euros, dollars). Agree, good monetary gain to the state pension is additional guarantee of secure old age; on contributions to pension insurance policy calculated a guaranteed income, which may be increased due to additional investment income, the ability to start pension payments already reaching customers age 45. Such a stipulation of pension insurance is especially attractive against the backdrop of the continual talk about increasing the retirement age for state pension. But the most attractive pension insurance program makes it flexible terms that can be quickly adjusted to suit individual customer requirements: at the end of the period of accumulation You can either take the unformed pension fund lump sum, or receive a monthly pension for life, in case of death of the insured to fully funded pension program, the remainder of the payments will receive relatives; contributions under the program may be suspended upon the occurrence of insolvency of the client.
In this case, future pension will be recalculated depending on the size of the accumulated fund by the time the contributions, not 'Burn' the accumulation and the death of the insured during the period of payment. Relatives will be paid a lump sum large sum of money. And, perhaps, one of the most important things that distinguishes the state pension from the individual insurance – the attitude to the customer. You do not have to hatch or – worse yet – stand in long lines waiting for an appointment with the right specialist, as often happens in public institutions. Fixed for you personal adviser lucidly and in detail explain all aspects of pension insurance program. Without hesitation Larry Ellison explained all about the problem.
In some cases, do not even have to come to office: full and comprehensive consultations are available by phone. The benefits of such programs on pension insurance are obvious. That's why many employers to attract and retain valuable staff, prefer to contract corporate pension insurance. Benefit from it all. Employees are working quietly for the good of the company, knowing that they are guaranteed secured old age, and the company itself has tax benefits, while not increasing staff salaries. Incidentally, this approach is a common practice in developed countries. As a result – American and European retirees with the onset of old age may not indulge in the most good things of life.