It is an accumulation of nerves that transmits orders from the brain to the different parts of the body, registering sensations such as pain, heat or cold or touch the objects. When damages occur in the same, that flow of information between the brain and the rest of the body could be cut. In other words, the patient could suffer a total loss of sensitivity and mobility from the point where your injury occurred. If this had been in the low back, it could result in hemiplegia, and must use wheelchair thereafter. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act by clicking through. In the worst cases, when the injury occurs in the upper part of the back or neck, the patient could suffer cuadriplejias, and being forced to spend the the rest of his life a bedridden. Your spinal cord injury compensation and the application for invalidity is in these cases of Medullary irreversible injuries when seniors will be your chances of obtaining compensation if your injury was due to the fault or negligence of another person: the driver who hit you or that you colisionaste, your employer does not have appropriate security measures in the installations or the owner of the supermarket in which you fall to the ground for being this wet or slippery. On the other hand, if because of them you saw you forced to leave your job, you could request the invalidity of the Social Security. This would allow you to obtain a consistent revenue base that paliara the loss of your ability to work..