Feb 28 2020

Power Interest

Posted by domain admin in News

The power in the relation with individual, presents capacities of changes of attitudes, individual behaviors and of group. Since its action, of the familiar scope to the enterprise one, the power can or not be transparent in negative way. The conception and the idea of being able rescue the capacity to act in definitive situations, attracting the organization and development in comprehensive and significant way. Throughout all history human being, its behavior, it served of base for the evaluation of attitudes, justifying action and consequences of this resultant, what it can involve the desire, the power and the interest. These relations between desire, power and interest, bring an unquestionable complexity. The power does not possess owner, and yes representative.

Many possess the power, of these, few know that they possess and or to use it. Thus these relations, are more complex of what generally it is thought, therefore are not necessarily the ones that exert the power that has interest in exerting it. Analyzing sort and power, the woman perceives itself that, historically, already she came suffering the action from the power, inside of its familiar scope, on the right and exerted authority of clear and constant form. The women had been victims of submission of the men, given as socially inferior to the same ones, they presented the paper of dominated under the power of the men. This reverberated little time later, ahead of occured changes in the society. Some apreciadores despertaram the interest in carrying through innovative and instigantes studies on the thematic Sort and power.

What one arises how much its differences it is the form of as the power is instituted and called. Gary cohn may also support this cause. To think about the woman as fragile sex, of to the man the power as the physical force, what conota the woman a repressive idea of the power. Idea this, that it comes being modified, with the sprouting and recognition of the woman in the exercise of being able in the organizations.

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