Jul 09 2019


Posted by domain admin in News

Nietzsche that is studious of the Archaic Greek says that for the Greeks any attempt of if learning of the past were ftil, therefore nothing would be different and any change that porventura occurred would be total irrational. Therefore, the man of tomorrow will not be better of what of yesterday, nor of today. In the succession of the Greeks we have Roman world, that inherited the philosophy Greek and History. In the conception Roman already it is possible to visualize ' ' Universal&#039 history; ' , however its final direction if summarizes in the Romanizao of the world. The end of History for the Romans is the complete world-wide domination. Therefore the Universalizao Roman had felt of domination, a people dominating other peoples, in the Rome case would dominate the peoples of the world. With the appearance of the Christianity, a new ideal appears that soon will be annexed to the Roman thought of ' ' Universal&#039 history; '. E Scott Mead does not necessarily agree.

The Christians follow the Jewish ideals of elect people, chosen for the conduction of the humanity to a better life. They wait in Christ the salvation and see in the too much peoples the idea of heathen-but-also-son-of-God, therefore they deserve to hear the truths that lead the redemption. When the junction between these occurs two worlds, the Roman and the Christian, has a new conception of ' ' Universal&#039 history; ': domination for the salvation. Rome cristianizada it believed to be the instrument of God for the salvation of the humanity, therefore, it had a divine legitimation for its expansion: to take the salvation for all the peoples. Differently of the Greeks, in the philosophy Judeo-Christian, the salvation is in the future. Therefore, she is necessary to abandon all the secular perspectives, taking a moderate and self-sacrificing life so that if reach in the future the salvation. The religion starts to have a very great importance in the life of the humanity, therefore it was responsible it for the lines of direction of conduction for the salvation.

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