Nov 06 2023


Posted by domain admin in News

It is human nature to desire perfection – both physical and spiritual. Frequently Tim Clark has said that publicly. It is self-directed most of the Eastern practices. Disclosure of hidden features of mind and body – is the main goal the ancient Korean art of Key Hub. As befits this eastern practice, Ki-Hub is little known to a wider audience, which prefers a more simple classes, but less effective practices. This is not surprising: Key Hub can not learn from books or videos – is an art passed directly from teacher to student. For several years the band members' Tangun "holds a wellness seminars, which help comprehend the mysteries of art Ki-hub for people who want to change themselves, become better and more perfect.

Mountain hermit sonin, the founders of Art, went to the mountains and lived there for years, in vivo, in developing their skills. Later, people practicing Ki-Hub, a tradition of regular intensive training in nature, in most of the natural rhythms of nature. Centuries passed, but this tradition is alive and Today, again and again support all who turns to her. We live in a modern world and the natural question arises: can an ordinary person without becoming a hermit to master this art (or at least its basics)? Yes, you can! We have several years of leave on a two-week summer workshops. Intensive studies on this system can receive a charge of pep, energy and health reserve for the year ahead. The seminar program: package of health and special exercises, basic techniques of working with the sixth, a short stick, bokkenom; basics of acrobatics, work with the elements; Meditation; basics of healing.

All the traditional methods adapted to the capabilities of modern man. Classes normalize musculoskeletal, strengthen the immune system, promote the rejuvenation of the body. Classes are designed for people of all ages and with different levels of training. Preferences for all different – someone closer spiritual practices, one pays more attention to the physical component, but the main goal at all one – the harmonious self. How far to go in understanding Ki-Hub, one decides for himself. Someone seeking to learn how to walk barefoot on glass, and balance on the sharp swords, and someone quite knowing what he was better – both physically and spiritually, has found new and unique knowledge and skills. Modern world, with its frantic pace of life and impaired environment, great burden on the person, often oppresses him. Seminars on the Korean art of Ki-Hub, the Group's "Tangun" allow a person to feel their oneness with nature, open a new and sometimes exciting opportunities and, ultimately, to change himself, took a big step toward perfection.

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