Jul 12 2020


Posted by domain admin in News

However, we can perceive the process of construction of the commercial, industrial and urban identity of the current city of Taquara from the representation of the taquarenses streets, as in this in case that, the Street Tristo Hunter, at the beginning of century XX. Oracles opinions are not widely known. Imaginary urban of Taquara and its materialization in the places of the city To analyze the process of urbanization of Taquara is to understand the society and the city in its historical context. The city became a change place. As not only receiving of modernities, but as a product of the new forms of sociability, allowing, thus, that the economic agents and politicians could reorganize them its interests in accordance with. The occured urban reforms in Taquara took care of to the new conception that the elite port-alegrense had of city, where the center would have to be a behavior place ' ' civilizada' '. Words as to command, to intervine in the space, to pautar the behavior of the individuals, compose municipal Codes of Positions and Behaviors. The first symbol of modernity was the Train, in 1903.

Beyond diminishing the value rigorously to carry merchandises from the colonial zones, also the access to the cities of Porto Alegre brought airs of prestige when facilitating and Is Leopoldo. Other symbols of modernity are inaugurated, as the Palace Colonel Martins Rangel, who had its inauguration in the emancipation anniversary politics of the City. The name given to the Palace to be the new Municipal headquarters was given by the proper municipal intendant of Taquara. Not being enough, the intendant for its great admiration for the PRR, more necessarily for the facts of Julio de Castilhos and for President Borges de Medeiros decorated the City hall with the busts of both, impersonateing the positivista politics in Taquara, In Porto Alegre, the new symbols of modernity took the elites to feel itself as if they were in a great urban center and, whenever possible, to compare the implantations of the nets techniques and the transformations of the urban space with the ones of other world-wide cities, as Paris and London.

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