He studied in Trinity College, in Cambridge, receiving the master’s degree in mathematics and sciences morals. It taught philosophy in Cambridge; during World War I it was demoted and jailed by his pacifist attitude. It resided in diverse occasions in the United States, where it gave classes in several universities. He has been a writer of an amazing fecundity. You may find baby clothes to be a useful source of information. In its ninety and seven years of life, Russell evolves in many of its points of view. In one first stage, the Mathematics, appear to him like the ideal of the Philosophy, within a platonic idealismo. Drift later towards a very English positivismo, to later return to approach his first positions. A characteristic of Lord Russell is its political and antireligious radicalismo, with an extremely shone language, that provides not few problems and many followers to him.
Its mathematical work emphasizes between most original and valuable of Russell, that it represents the third party in discord of a time of the mathematical logic (1900-1930), in which it competes with the intuicionistas of L. Brouwer and the formalistas of D. Hilbert. Russell tries to demonstrate that the pure Mathematics deal with solely concepts possible to define with a small number of fundamental logical concepts that all proposals can be deduced of a small number of essential logical principles. These ideas, that they try to reduce the Mathematics to a branch of the Logic, denominate logicism. Russell is antikantiano in the sense that the logico-mathematical proposals are not synthetic a priori, but analytical. From its encounter with L.
Wittgenstein, Russell derives towards a species of neopositvismo, that it calls logical constructivism and logical atomism. This positivismo difference of the classic empirismo by its dependency of the formal logic and the Mathematics. Its vast work includes mathematical, scientific and philosophical subjects: Critical exhibition of the philosophy of Leibniz (1900), Begins mathemtica (1903), Begins mathemtica 2 (1910-1913), in which defines the call logicism, the problems of the philosophy (1912), Our knowledge of the outer world (1914), Investigation on meaning and truth (1940) and the human knowledge, its purpose and its limits (1948); subjects of political, social and divulging character: Socialism, anarchism and trade unionism (1918), the marriage and the moral (1929), the conquest of the happiness (1930), Freedom and organization, 1814-1914 (1934), Satn in the suburbs (1953), novel, Ethics and policy in the human society (1954), Pictures of memories and other tests (1956), Why I am not Christian (1957), the nuclear war before the common sense (1959), the evolution of my philosophical thought (1959), It has the man a future? (1961), Crimes military in the Vietnam (1967), Tests on education and Autobiography (1968), that show to their advanced liberalism and religious skepticism. And as the British writer said: the humanity has a moral double: one that preaches and does not practice, and other than practices and it does not preach .