May 29 2024

Blended Marketing

Posted by domain admin in News
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My intention was not to speak of social networks or blended marketing soon, truth again. I wanted to start down, talk about the Google world, more practical stuff, but it’s that I find social networks or communities online, in any area of my life. I was yesterday so quietly, in that zen moment of the day, waiting for the queue to pay for purchase of the week in the hypermarket. When suddenly, as a slap in the face, assails me the Habbo-Chupa Chups publi. I couldn’t help it, that would be the subject of my next post. Surely many of you even know what is Habbo, for this reason, I am going to give some data: Habbo is born in Finland 10 years ago, at the hands of Sampa Karjalainen and Aapo Kyroola.

Habbo is a community online based on a virtual world (in the style of Second Life, but for ninos-jovenes), operates through avatars as a virtual chat. Behind Habbo is the Finnish company Sulake, which has implemented its virtual Hotel in 15 countries, getting that until now 100,000 million users they have accessed your chat. In Spain they are already almost 6 years, and have managed the community that is worth its weight in gold: ninos-jovenes from 12 to 24 years. With this target as defined, Chupa Chups has not lost even a minute ago time that pays their Internet investments, because you know, there is his audience. And this quest to understand perfectly what is blended marketing, has assembled his room in Habbo and promotes in a way off at points of sale (where I saw, attached photo). Chupa Chups used with wisdom all means you have at your fingertips, knows that integration on-off going to achieve their goals more quickly and the effectiveness is going to be infinitely higher that using only the conventional channels. World Habbo, quite an experience.

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