In Latin America, has been an extraordinary effort deployed by the Organization for cooperation and development (OECD) economic and mainly the Centre for cooperation with countries not members of the OECD. In Europe, corporate governance, has been studied in the Cadbury and Winter reports, the Olivencia Code and the Aldama report in Spain, in addition to the combined code of corporate governance – United Kingdom guidelines to have a good government are mainly targeted at companies and organizations in general, but can also be applied to Governments and regulatory bodies of the company, as well as to the capital markets and their operators. What the good corporate government: corporate governance is defined as the set of rules, policies and procedures that are used to control and direct the corporate organization in a fair and responsible way.?
In other words we could say that corporate governance is the system by means of which companies are directed and controlled and its structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among the different participants of the same, such as address, management, shareholders, employees and other economic agents who maintain an interest in the company. The principles that govern it are: the transparency of information, equality in treatment of shareholders and the order; talk about corporate governance is nothing more than talk about organization and clear rules for all participants of a business corporation, interest groups..