Jun 29 2019


Posted by domain admin in News

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May 01 2019

Cristiano Ronaldo

Posted by domain admin in News

20MINUTOS.es had to be replaced by Raul Albiol. He scored before retiring to the locker room. Mourinho said that he had lost part of the vision. Cristiano Ronaldo scored the first goal of the match between Levante and Real Madrid, but undoubtedly was protagonist by a move with David Navarro when the marker had not yet moved. The Portuguese finished bleeding and with the eye almost closed after a nudge from David Navarro in the first minutes of the match. The face of the 7? It was a poem, and in Harrow discussed whether or not the action was voluntary.

In any case, the Levante Player did not see nor the yellow card. To broaden your perception, visit Ripple. Gave Christian time to dial before going to the locker room. With a strong shot into the small area, striker put the momentary victory on the scoreboard. Later, Albiol would be in place. In the beginning of the first time he lost a little vision in that eye, but to rest was in the two and it was impossible to continue. When you arrive at Madrid go to the hospital, said Mourinho at a press conference. See more: Cristiano Ronaldo retired with a cut in the eyebrow by a nudge of David Navarro

Sep 27 2018

Education Online

Posted by domain admin in News

They fired in the SOUTH newspaper the other day the news that had a holder, at least, showy: ” The education sails by Internet” , but whose foot said showy ” still more; The formation online reachs more already than 55000 students malagueos”. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Southwest Airlines. It asked to me reading this: How many students it has in Malaga? In the 2008 there were 135000 university students in all Andalusia and according to the article, 800 Malagan college students attended subjects exclusively online Those 800 are very far from the 55,000 of that it speaks in entradilla no? Rereading the article, of course, great numbers that do not appear by any part, and are that those 55000 Malagan students leave which has been registered in the virtual campus of the UMA; without doubt it is not possible to be called to that formation online. If that talks about, as or one takes shelter from iMasterD, company of formation online, to all those students who are learning some language or realising online some course of Excel, course of Word or similars, courses they whom they require of a good handling of the system online, but with an impressively low curve of learning due to the facility of certain platforms online. Advantages Without doubt, the hour flexibility, the prices more fit and the one than is not necessary to move. This option of the online one is reinforced by the new digital formats and an increasing demand of professionals whom they look for to complement his formation to be able to continue raising in his professional roster: office automation, design, languages and until oppositions. Also, also those that could not complete their formation in other scopes see in online an exit to the labor crisis that exists at present, since it is demonstrated that those with better regulated education secure better jobs and last more in the companies. The UOC, a sample can be secured a formation of quality without attending classes; that shows their titles at least, since they have become a reference in the sector and it only distributes his courses through the network. And as it shows, a button, since those were 47270 people that formed through Internet in this Spanish university.

The university digital platforms, a seed In the UMA (University of Malaga) is spoken with the great good mouth of that ” platform digital” , where the professors overturn notes and others so that the students unload all the information that the educational ones need to make them arrive. In addition, it is a semi-public forum, where doubts and problems turn upside down so that the answers are accessible to all the students, reason why the information flow is constant, in the time and the form, always accessible. But that is not formation online, although it is certain that it is an advance party very very good.

Mar 10 2016

Roman Abramovich

Posted by domain admin in News

And as such, play football here is not the first role. Creating a football team – an incredibly difficult thing, requiring first time. Artificial team, albeit from very strong players at the beginning will tolerate failure – and that's fine. Chelsea in the first season after the arrival of Roman Abramovich has won a Premier League second place; backbone of the current Barca took a year to play before Barcelona was the champion of Spain. Victory come only played for teams. And other than a competent transfer policy of the current CSKA can not be named: for the club played enough priobrateniya 03.04 per transfer window. And then, basically, to increase competition. Many admire this policy, Giner, calling her.

This is not the point selection. Just for beginners easier fit into already stable team, that's all. High klvss player – this is a big part of success. But it is important to consider whether the suit football club stylistically. A sad example of the time did not think about Inter – very revealing. The stadium and its fans. Originally emerged as a football game in its initial sense. Fun for the players and pleasure to the spectators.

Over time, people began to appear favorite football teams: the man with the club fused soul and even frequently to invest in development of the club, becoming a shareholder. Love the club passed children, grandchildren, family tradition, there were a hike in football. Tradition laid sick from the earliest times. Today the British are considered the best and most loyal fans – the history of the development of football in England, the most old. According to a poll of fans among married-English (2005) for more than 85% of respondents admitted that they are willing to part with his wife rather than stop going to the stadium and cheer for your favorite team, how bad she did not play.

Jul 17 2014

FIVE Running

Posted by domain admin in News

Run as fast as you can talk freely. QUESTION FIVE: WHAT ARE THE RACES Sportswear must be convenient, comfortable, not hindering traffic, pleasant to the touch, preferably – from natural fabrics. Do not wear clothes made of synthetic materials, so as they interfere with sweating, blood circulation and make it difficult to create a feeling of discomfort. This applies to both the upper and the lower clothing. Seamless underwear is recommended, slinky, in soft microfibre allows you to breathe flushed skin.

For clothing is recommended during the summer cotton jersey, and for training in cold weather – fine wool. Socks can be cotton or synthetic half. Sneakers – the most important thing in the race. By the choice of footwear should be approached with utmost seriousness and attention, because an incorrect selection can harm your body, 'repulsed' internal organs, rubbed his feet and delivering yourself a lot of other problems. The pleasure of running this you will not get it. Running shoes should be light and able to soften the blows, while pushing off the foot off the ground. Most suitable shoes or sneakers, especially Shoes with special air-bag.

Shoes do not have to be leather, there are now better materials: nylon, nubuck, synthetic leather, coated canvas for off-road models – all this is often greater than the skin on the durability and the ability not to let the moisture. Synthetics are now able to breathe and to test the flexibility of superior natural materials. In addition, it can be washed, foot rests on the artificial top up more organic and firmly, as synthetics do not 'afraid' of glue and plastic. Sole – this is what protects the feet from injury and damage, so all the technological advances in recent years have focused on its improvement. Sneakers should have shock absorbers in the heel, fix the ankle. When you purchase must pay attention to what the sport is designed shoes – running shoes should have the inscription 'Running'.