CalCon Germany AG welcomed a new Member. At the beginning of the new financial year, the circle of CalCon Germany AG’s Supervisory Board extended to another Member. Dr. Florian Stetter (46), most recently since 2000 as a Managing Director at STRABAG property and facility services GmbH, is new Member of the Supervisory Board of CalCon Germany AG. Furthermore, he belongs to the Supervisory Board of German living AG. “The Chairman of the Panel of Prof. Dr.-ing. Klaus Sedlbauer, head of the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics and Professor at the University of Stuttgart welcomed the new Member of the Supervisory Board: we are very pleased that we succeeded to win a great entrepreneur of CalCon Germany AG supervisory board with Mr Dr Stetter.” The CalCon Germany AG includes the epiqr Software GmbH and the CalCon Ingenieursgesellschaft mbH to the CalCon group, which originated as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics in the year 2000. The range of services the CalCon group includes in addition to the marketing and further development Epiqr software solution qualified services in the field of inventory management, sustainability, research, energy and inventory management. Home companies, public institutions, investors and traders are among the clientele of CalCon. With more recorded as 100 million m gross floor space and over 600 users the epiqr process represents the industry solution in strategic portfolio management.