In connection with entering the Russian Federation in the Bologna process to create a single European Higher Education Area, one of the priorities of the university was the development of international cooperation. Without an international accrediting almost impossible to take their rightful place in the rankings of higher education institutions. One of the most important indicators of the quality and effectiveness of the educational activities of the university, determining his credibility at the national and international levels, is the presence of foreign students. The number of joint educational programs, the number of foreign students are among the main indicators for licensing and accreditation of higher educational institutions. The aim of the modern university – the internationalization of higher education, which is an objective consequence of the globalization of the modern world and simultaneously major resources to accelerate the integration of social and economic life, the elimination of national isolation. International deyatelnostbolshinstva universities aimed at integrating it into European and worldwide educational system. Organizational, technical, information and methodological support of the international activities of universities charged with the management of international cooperation and Foreign Economic Relations (UMS and WEC). Otdelpo work with foreign students and umc responsible agent in charge of passport and visa cases among foreign citizens enrolled in the territory Russian Federation and the agencies that control migration flows. Accounting for the contingent of foreign students is different from the account of citizens of Russia and has its own specificity as enrollment in college, and control throughout learning.