The events for the Tagungssaison”2009/2010 were already planned in the summer months and booked accordingly. Most are then the following weekend in the seminar room in is empty. Various training courses are already fully booked. A special highlight in the autumn program of the AVA is E.g. an international 3-day intensive seminar on pig production, which is already fully booked. Registration of veterinary surgeons and highly qualified investment managers (how the management of large pig farms called) are from Poland, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria and Netherlands.
The AVA has undertaken internationally recognized speakers answer to are the professionals you want to qualify better? “In addition, practical workshops are offered, to directly to the organ” to share their latest techniques and experiences. But also claw courses to orthopedic hoof care, intensive feeding workshops for dairy farms, practical exercises to the fertility of cows. Also small animal seminars for vets enjoy increasing popularity. The Academy is recognized as a training center international. The founder and Director, Diplomagraringenieur and professional animal doctor for pigs Ernst-Gunther Hellwig, has a continuing education empowerment for the educational institution of his Fort.
Last year events of agricultural and veterinary – about 4000 professionals visited Academy (AVA). 2 professional groups from China have visited the agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA) and were specially trained, whereupon the head of AVA is very proud. Veterinary workshops to the milk cow medicine already now even specialists have registered for and others from Turkey, to learn more about animal comfort, feeding and husbandry. Chief Hellwig sees itself as preventive medicine, who sees the preservation of animal health as a preventative measure. Called the veterinarian, if the animal is ill, it is actually already too late”, according to the Director. “Animals may not even get sick this is the goal of modern livestock medicine”. The modern task of a veterinarian for the animals is so keep healthy and not solely the disease control. The veterinarian is due to its intensive advice of healthy preserver”the herd of a farm, says AVA head. Animal welfare and consumer protection are top by this modern form of veterinary care. And to deliver healthy food is par excellence the aim of modern agriculture. Due to the double education for farmers and animal specialist, founder of AVA sees itself and head appointed to bring together both professional groups and to discuss the modern animal care facilities. This Interprofessional Collaboration succeeds in any other organization as well as the agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA) confirm many experts of the profession. In addition to the seminars will be printed in the in-house publishing a trade newspaper for stock care offered and designed course in the Munsterland-with a circulation of 50000 copies. Still a variety issued by professional brochure at irregular intervals which is how current question point lungs of livestock medicine and agricultural know-how”deal. Also advises the veterinary advice service pig farms across Europe with currently priorities in Eastern Europe. For veterinarians is a specific AVA insurance service available that specific and neutral acts as insurance consultant for the physician. An own veterinary practice for local farms in the home of AVA completes the offered concept. The reputation of the Academy are consistently very positive far beyond the borders of Germany. And starting in 2010, there is the AVA with the unique concept of the joint training of veterinarians and farmers as branch”in Austria and of Switzerland. On the Web page, you can retrieve the information of the AVA to training, current events etc.