The allocation of this category of persons with disabilities in the community weighting of disability at an average annual increase in urban area by 6% in rural area – by 2.5%. Thus, based on the above, the following conclusions: 1. In the Kursk region diabetes takes first rank among all the diseases of the endocrine system disorders nutrition and metabolic disorders. Value type 1 to type 2 diabetes is much greater than any, for the Russian Federation, which determines the need for further research to determine the causes of this phenomenon. Official site: Philip Vasan. 2. The main types of chronic complications of diabetes, leading to disability in the adult population of Kursk region, are retinopathy and intercurrent disease. In the countryside is dominated by people with disabilities with intercurrent diseases (40%) and nephropathy (10%) then, as in urban areas – retinopathy (35%) and diabetic foot (25%). 3.
By frequency disability, diabetes is on the 4th ranked site, yielding only a disease of circulatory diseases and malignant neoplasms kostnomyshechnoy system and connective tissue. Over 44% of patients with diabetes – people with disabilities of middle age (45 to 54 years – women and from 45 to 59 years – male). The greatest number of patients are disabled group III (61.5%). 4. The determination of long-term complications caused by diabetes, leading to restriction of activity, an indication of the patient in the direction of the Bureau medical and social assessment (ITU). 5. Health education and counseling are the basis for management of patients with diabetes, since it provides for treatment of hyperglycemic crises mitigation and prevention complications, but not cure the disease. 1 The dramatic increase in the disability on the Kursk region in 2005 is the entry into force of the Federal Law 122 of 22 August 2004, providing replacement of benefits in kind into cash.