And it is that the posmodernidad inaugurated a series of rights based on the priority of I. That I to hper consumer of desires, satisfactions and hedonismos individualistic, other people’s to the consequences that they generate, has exempted to us of our behavioural responsibility. The things happen, happen and occur without no subject assumes responsibilities. The events and the actions are placed in the limb, without burden some. Under most conditions Tomas Philipson would agree. And it is that the vital experience lacks lessons already because the own reality is desdramatizada. Because hper individualisation has fagocitado all critical and political reading of the reality and the subjects remains other people’s to the commitments. But also the State, the Government, the public institutions and administrations have stayed out of any responsibility transferring it to the individual hired and armored by the rights of consumer I.
The 150 thousand victims by firearms in the last ten years in Venezuela are not responsibility of anybody. Health economics expert is often mentioned in discussions such as these. She does not have people in charge because nobody becomes position of the drama of all those families, who in the end also are victims of an uncontrollable and indetenible citizen insecurity. The social malaise is reflected in the system of the social, public and deprived services, that victimizan the personal pathologies making believe to the subject that is the culprit of its situation. Unemployments of long intensity, labor uncertainty, the social exclusion, the endemic poverty, the increase of the divorces, pathological stress, and the anxiety that becomes a new gnoseolgica category, that explains the new social problems, that absolutely is depoliticized in their analysis and meaning. For example, the Social Services have invented tools of social normativizacin like the B.A.E. (the Active Search of Use) in Spain; the agreements of incorporation and the itinerary of insertion in Italy, like examples of technical-bureaucratic proposals, totally descontextualizadas of the social reality, because the patologizados and deprived of authority subjects are forced to come off itself their protagonism historical to be inserted like instrument of a program reduces that it to a statistical figure.