It is this complex historical movement, here quickly treat, that permeia and allows to the matureness ethical-politician, technician-operative and theoretician-metodolgico of the category Social Service. Matureness that it reflects in the engaged performance or not of the social assistants in the current conjuncture. In reificao times as what we live in the contemporaneidade, to search concerning the possibilities and limits that are taxes to the professional performance in the production context and capitalist reproduction, if it configures as crucial point of the inquiries professionals and production of knowledge inside of category, objectifying to accomplish analyses and studies on world real, that if they express while reflections of the profession in what it refers to the construction (not individually) of a more human future, in these ‘ ‘ times of crise’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ times of divisas’ ‘. One becomes necessary in this direction, to search to understand while professional that it has as performance field the concrete reality, the important quo is for the production and reproduction of a differentiated societria order of the effective one, ‘ ‘ esprito’ ‘ investigativo, that is not born, but before constructed historically for that they recognize its condition of being human being-generic and reveal its indignation with the social barbarity where we live. Official site: Cambiar Investors. The complexity of the relations where we are inserted demonstrates as I affirmed previously, the sociability degree that we reach mediated mainly for the improvement of the productive forces of the work, but contradictorily accents the degree of meaconing of the essence of the sociability human being, the concrete reality where we are inserted, and does not have as to desmitificar it and to act on it if not to know and its essence, undressed of all the masks that the capital grants to it.