It is this complex historical movement, here quickly treat, that permeia and allows to the matureness ethical-politician, technician-operative and theoretician-metodolgico of the category Social Service. Matureness that it reflects in the engaged performance or not of the social assistants in the current conjuncture. In reificao times as what we live in the contemporaneidade, to search concerning the possibilities and limits that are taxes to the professional performance in the production context and capitalist reproduction, if it configures as crucial point of the inquiries professionals and production of knowledge inside of category, objectifying to accomplish analyses and studies on world real, that if they express while reflections of the profession in what it refers to the construction (not individually) of a more human future, in these ‘ ‘ times of crise’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ times of divisas’ ‘. One becomes necessary in this direction, to search to understand while professional that it has as performance field the concrete reality, the important quo is for the production and reproduction of a differentiated societria order of the effective one, ‘ ‘ esprito’ ‘ investigativo, that is not born, but before constructed historically for that they recognize its condition of being human being-generic and reveal its indignation with the social barbarity where we live. Official site: Cambiar Investors. The complexity of the relations where we are inserted demonstrates as I affirmed previously, the sociability degree that we reach mediated mainly for the improvement of the productive forces of the work, but contradictorily accents the degree of meaconing of the essence of the sociability human being, the concrete reality where we are inserted, and does not have as to desmitificar it and to act on it if not to know and its essence, undressed of all the masks that the capital grants to it.
It was used as instrument of collection of data, the application of recorded interviews. The sample was constituted by members of the community of life of the Shalom, between them, 01 (one) coordinating apostlica and 07 (seven) consecrated members indicated for then the coordinating Maria Jose Freitas Da Silva (Maz), through script of half-structuralized interview and participant comment at some moments of the daily one of the community. We were to the community seven times. At a first moment, we had an initial contact that already one consisted of half-structuralized interview. At other moments, we visit the Center Catholic of Evangelizao Shalom and the communitarian residence, where we made other interviews, we take off photos and we observe some activities carried through for the members of the community. For example, Masses, events, works in the snack bar, games in the communitarian house. ONE TO LOOK AT ON the DAILY one OF the SHALOM/NATAL/RNFoi COMMUNITY evidenced that the life community understands an organized environment that if configures through a daily routine, where the mornings they are lived in silence climate, has the labor detail with division of tasks, conjunct, reading of the bible, listening the God, communitarian formation, allotment of life and alone at the moment of the lunch ceases the silence that happens in a climate of joy and fraternity.
According to interviewed Roane Mayan Jane Holland, ' ' a moment where I do not change in hypothesis some is without a doubt the propitious place for the fraternity and the joy is the lunch, the moment of much convivncia where we say of diverse things comunitrias' '. The afternoons are dedicated to the apostolate (aconselhamento, ministries, lectures etc) in the Center Catholic of Evangelizao Shalom, concluding with the Mass, after that, it has a moment of communitarian conjunct. To the nights, the supper and after that returns again for the Center of Evangelizao, where the fifteen for ten conclude the activities.
Currently I recognize that, these attitudes were palliative and only amenizadoras of the suffering, being necessary more than what this so that the reality of these citizens was transformed and them got the recognition of true citizens of rights. Inhabitants of street are a subject that boiled my mind since infancy despertando me bigger curiosity in the current days, where the indignation took me to search it the understanding of what he could have happened in the life of these citizens so that they arrived at the point to live in the streets. In such a way, he intended to know the immobility hinders that them to change the route of its histories and to leave this condition definitively. This question cannot be solely atrelada more a result of the misery, the poverty, the growth of the economy. My investigations indicate that it must be something that can go very beyond this perception, of what we can only see, perhaps lacks the true one to feel of these citizens in its realities. The question is ample and requires attention of a look also extended, based of theoretical and practical form also in the point of view of the vulnerability of the citizen that was diligent and that in the measure where it found its hand of precarizada workmanship and with lack of qualification, if saw inclined to the informal market. Therefore being this overloaded market of workers that does not make use of conditions favorable to the minimum profit and without conditions to face the competitiveness of the way they finish for losing more. In this in case that many are outside of this also creative circle of minimum income that is the informal market and many inhabitants of street are atrelados to this fragilizado contingent, that accumulating losses lives in misery situation, are plus a fruit of the poverty that makes growing of the social inaquality. Go to Southwest Airlines for more information.
A type of game that if has become a true fever between players is the games online of target. Using thematic differentiated, them they are an excellent option for who is in order to have fun itself or of only killing one tempinho playing. First, she is necessary to understand that, it is not because the game is of target that it needs to be violent. The game Commuter Cupid is a beautiful example of this. In this romantic game you are cpido that she is wanting to prepare some loving peripcias.
Its objective is to make right the biggest number of people with the arrow to generate many gotten passionate couples. Beyond giving attention with the target, you it will have to also be intent to the time that is running against you. Another game of target with arrow that can call its attention is the Archery. In this game you will have to not only be good of aiming, as well as to have the sincronia necessary to make right its target, while its personage is if putting into motion for the screen. Not so fofinho how much the previous ones, the game Crack Shot is for who is in order to start that one hunted. If you will have talent to be a good hunter, then she will obtain to catch birds and until great animals as elk.
It trains its target and it shoots in the target before the animals left scene. Who has cold blood running in the veins, can start with the sensational Knife Throw. Only that beyond cold blood, you it will go to need a good target. The objective of the game is to hurl the knives in the targets that had appeared in the revolving board. In case that you make right the woman who is in the screen, she is prepared for the end of the game. If you still prefer a play sanguinria, either the hour of you to perhaps know the version online of the Counter Strike. Using its talent with the target, you he will have to shoot in all the enemy terrorists to obtain to pass of a phase for the other. As well as these, other available games exist many online. It is enough that you have a computer with access to the Internet and already will be able to leave aiming in all the targets in diverse games online target.
The APA Capivari – Monos is managed by the City hall of the City of So Paulo (PMSP), through the City department of the Green and Environment (SVMA) and a Managing Advice formed by members of the civil society in accordance with legislao2. Unit of Conservation of sustainable use is called, in which economic exploration of its resources in allied sustainable way to the ambient conservation is allowed. According to estimate of the City department of the Green and Environment (2001), they live about sixty and five a thousand people in the interior of the APA, and this region possesss one of the lesser Indices of Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) of municpio3, where serious basic infrastructure problems still meet and offer of services. Beyond sheltering in its total area three aboriginal villages, with about eight hundred and fifty inhabitants. With the creation of this APA, was carried through a geo zoning? ambient or economic – ecological, that the area for the handling mapeou sustainable of the existing resources, and one of the mapeadas areas it was identified as Zone of Historical Interest Turstico and Cultual (ZIHTC), that is: limits inside of the APA where the tourist activity could be explored. In fact, after the accomplishment of this zoning and the evident potential represented for the natural resources, appeared the interest for the development of the tourist activity as a form to use to advantage these existing resources and to use them in sustainable and conscientious way, since a source it the 2 tourism explores Ver Municipal Law n. Oracle might disagree with that approach.
13.136/01? Creation of the APA Capivari? Monos. 4 nature for the economic development. in accordance with the City department of the Green and the Environment (2001), the APA Capivari – Monos has great potential for the development of the tourism, with the presence of diverse waterfalls, crystalline water rivers aboriginal, tracks, farms, tribes, the State Park of the Mountain range of the Sea (Curucutu Nucleus) and the Crater of Colony, formed for the fall of a meteorite it has about thirty and five millions of years.
The cut poultry keeping is one of the agro-industrial sectors that more if developed, in recent years, starting to constitute the main segment of the industry of meats. The growth of offers and the diffusion of the consumption had been fruits of the magnifying of the scale, of the incorporation of technological innovations in the productive chain, of the reduction of costs and prices, making with that Brazil more reached comparable levels to the developed nations in this sector. Expansion associated not only with the high degree of control of the biological process, but with one ' ' pacote' ' that it involves the control, for the industry, of the productive cycle of the birds and the improvement of the tax of vegetal protein conversion in animal protein, making possible an increase in the productivity, reduction of costs and consequence absolute and relative fall of the price of the meat of chicken in relation to other meats (CUT, CAMPANHOL 2006). The Brazilian poultry keeping reached productivity and quality comparable to the gotten ones for the developed countries more of the world, contributing, among others things, for the generation of exportation verge. In consequence, Brazil if firmed as according to world-wide exporting greater (VIEIRA; DAYS. 2004). The world-wide production of meats passed approximately of 90 million tons in 1978 for approximately 198 million tons in 2003, favours mainly to the performance presented for the production of chicken meat.
Between 1990 and 2003, the world-wide production of meats grew 34%, while the chicken meat continued presenting optimum performance with 61% of increase, followed of the meat suna with 29% (VIEIRA; DAYS. 2004). The activity showed a great growth in recent years. In the period in 1992 the 2001, the meat production increased 128% and the exportation grew 236%. This evolution if must for the intense pressure of election suffered for the races, which are observed until today.
Of this form, the popular culture in itself, loads these characteristics, these concepts as it describes our beloved Ana of the Figureheads expressing its form to make art and its love for the art of the adobe, indispensable element in the formation of its repassed professional life of hereditary form and for the crucial fact that was to take care of its vital necessities as half of survival. Woman, who since girl knows the obstacles taxes for the life, was born in day 18 of February of 1923 in Filomena Saint district of Ouricuri with the name of Ana Leopoldina Dos Santos, black, gotten passionate for the adobe, made a trajectory of sufficiently hard and winning life. Lode for the edges of the river San Francisco to make dwelling and to search substance abundant cousin to make its works. Owner Ana was known as Ana of the Figureheads, the Owner of the Adobe. The figureheads were the symbol biggest of its work, because the petrolinenses artists made these sculptures with wood, but of the adobe she did not have herself. With this idea to mold adobe figureheads, its work as artes took off. The term figurehead defines as shady or loaded face, expensive ugly, with aspect of bad mood.
They presented with varied forms as antropomorfas (human, normal or devilishly disformes faces). Zoomorfas exploring heads of animals deformed with the objective to produce astonishment and fear, zooantropomorfas, combination of human and animal semblantes always directed for horrorizao of the part, in short, the figureheads were made to decorate ships in sea and to frighten the bad espritos in the boats in rivers. Today they constitute incorporated souvenirs to the past and the folklore. Ana of the Figureheads thus known by the petrolinenses, received the heading from Petrolinense Citizen for the relevance of its cultural work and artistic, come through its dream to live in this city, she contributed of spectacular form for enlargement of the art of the clay took that it to be a figure known in all federal territory for its proper characteristic to work.
The light acts intervening on the intensity and the persistence of position. The ovrio of the hens, in immature state, presents 12,000 ovulos approximately; however in mature normal conditions only 2.5% potentially they can become e, consequently, to ovular. This capacity of ovulao obeys a hierarchy to folicular, called sequence of ovulao, conditional to the size of folculo for the release of vulo. This phenomenon of the ovulao is in the dependence of an endogenous mechanism strict related with external factors such synchronization, called circadian rhythm periodically allows the repetition of the ovulao in elapsing of the productive period of the bird.
(QUINTO LANA, GERALDO ROBERT. Poultry keeping 2ooo.). To brighten up possible complications in sexual maturity of the birds, some farms use curtains to isolate the lots youngest of oldest and thus to control the exposition of the birds the artificial luminosity, however, is a measure that still presents many irregularities and better deserves to be observed. ( 2010 APAVI) In terms of endogenous mechanism, the hipotlamo-hipfice-ovrio axle, stimulated for exgenos factors, represented for the light conducts the reproductive process all causing a ovulao to each period of 25 the 26 hours, approximately. This regency is represented by the existing perfect synchronization enters diverse responsible hormones for the productive process, represented for LHRH (liberating hormone of LH), produced in hipotlamo; LH (luteinizante hormone) and FSH (folculo stimulant), produced in hipfise previous; estradiol and progesterone, produced in the ovrio. (QUINTO LANA, GERALDO ROBERT. Poultry keeping 2ooo.) The hierarchy to folicular is responsible direct for the intensity and persistence of position; therefore, any factor interrupts that it will go to produce deleterious effect on the egg production. The bird initiates the LH production eats approach age of 15 weeks, reaching the maximum concentration between 19 and 23 weeks, at the beginning of the production.
Therefore, the project ethical-politician was a progress in the conjuncture with rupture, conservadorismo, that is, the conservadorismo in its traces of assistencialista, with renewal the lines of direction of the Social Service, with the code of 1993 ethics breaching with the connotation that the Social Assistant is a mere executor of tasks, but are a professional with character to take care of demands and to make interventions in its ethical capacity. The societrios projects are plain of class action having as base a set of necessities and purposes to be applied, thus explain Netto (1999: 5) What it so only interests us a type of collective project that we assign as societrios projects. One is about those projects that present a society image to be constructed that they complain definitive values to justify them that privilege certain ways (Material and cultural to materialize them Netto) the societrios projects many times are games of public interests that reveal the confrontation of dispute of the members of the society, whereas the professional projects involve professionals of field or practical in a research work, as the case of the Social Service in Brazil are constituted by accuseds and associations of Social Assistants as CFESS, CRESS AND ABEPSS and ANESSO. As Netto (1999) is important to stand out that the professional projects also they have diverse dimensions politics, related its relations with the societrios projects, however a professional project to be displayed is needed applied coherence as, either in such a way in the public institution or how much in private and its users for the attendance of displayed demands with the problematic ones. However the fact is not abstained that the professional projects do not have dimensions of public interests and politicians. Observing the ethics code it has denominations with the ethical debate evaluating new rules in agreement (Law 8,669, of 17 of June of 1993), detaching the social Service as a producing area of knowledge and research.