Sep 11 2014


Posted by domain admin in News

You, consulting of sales, costuma to lose the sales when the business seem closed? He wants to know the way fastest to close the sales? Everything what the consultants of sales more search is to know the way most easy, efficient insurance and to close the business. However, what the majority of them does not know, he is that in the reality fast or easy way does not exist to make the customer to buy. What he exists exactly is a better form, more intelligent and efficient of if holding ahead of the chance of the closing. Fast the more the consultant of sales to perceive this, better will understand the process, becoming excellent in the art of vender. She is necessary, also, to remember that the customer in potential when boarded, makes judgments. Normally, it judges in first place the salesman, after that the environment of the store where if it finds, later the idoneousness of the company where it intends to carry through the purchase and, finally, will judge the product that it is negotiating.

Many consultants of sales know of this, what they do not give account is that these judgments are as stairs where it is only evolved, when surpassed the step where if it finds. It still considers, that the secret of the sales can be summarized in the perceived value. In case that the customer does not find value in the product or the proposal that is offered to it, hardly it will buy without benefits. When the consultant obtains to carry through a good volume of sales, however with edge sacrifice, he is well possible that is not adding value to the product. Not less important for the success of the closing of the sales, it is the comfort of the negotiation and the friendly relation between the customer and the consultant of sales. The more the customer to feel it will with the negotiation and ‘ ‘ desarmado’ ‘ in the relationship, more possibilities of success the consultant of sales will have.

The initial phase of the sales is so most important of what the closing. to guarantee an efficient process of opening, the consultant of sales must be worried about questions of the type: how it walks my attitude? Strong Quo is my system of belief? I always have a great attitude? I believe fervorosamente in my company, products services that seeing? The customer has surplus reasons to buy of me and not of my competitor? Finally, the closing of the sales is not an only action, and yes the somatrio of small elements that disclose the decision favorable. It is, in fact, a delicate balance between the thoughts, words and acts of the consultant of sales and the perspectives and perceptions of the customer. Then, if you well are prepared, likeable, cativante, different, important, convincing, autoconfiante, worthy reliable and motivated, candidate considers itself the champion of sales. He thinks about this, excellent day and that God blesses in them.

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