Had access in: 23 out 2010. The environment is composed for an authorship component, where the author organizes and creates the structure of content of its disciplines suitable to the courses and of one environment for the pupil, where the content is organized through the tool, considering a suitable authorship to the course of the pupil. For adaptation of the content resultant archives XML of the authorship process are used where filters for adaptation of the structure of the content based on the characteristics of the model of the pupil are applied. (BELLONI, 1999). With the increasing technological advance of the Grandfathers (Surrounding virtual of learning), in what it refers to the convergence, Elaborated to help the professors in the management of contents for its pupils and in the administration of the course, it resulted in accompaniment next in the progress to the students in a virtual environment. Other questions had passed to be argued for the otimizao of this educational model.
Would be or not a system of ED all community formed for the Internet? After all, the Creation of Virtual Communities is one of the principles that guide the initial growth of ciberespao, to the side of the Interconnection and Intelligence (Lvy, 2007). This would justify creation of Virtual Community as being essential for the establishment of a culture of ED. However, one perceives that the simple creation of virtual communities does not mean the creation of groups of study for the Internet, therefore these possess the most diverse interests, that go of this the entertainment until the distribution of notice.