Users in the consumer goods industry are a little party loyalty on Karlsruhe, 09.01.2009 – companies in the consumer goods industry are strategy consulting according to the assessments of the consulting company xact4u AG in evaluating CRM solutions before much larger problems than companies in other industries. On the one hand, this results from the very industry-specific functional requirements. On the other hand, the difficulties arise from the heterogeneous market of the CRM provider that is focused on the consumer goods industry. There is, in contrast to other sectors no place deer among the software houses\”judge of the xact4u Manager Bela Barbra. For this reason, significant currency movements are typical, if companies plan to migrate to a new CRM system. Meanwhile, some companies have already\”the third generation of CRM in use, but rarely from the same manufacturer, he refers to the relatively small provider loyalty in this industry. The practical experience of Barbra according to get business by the insufficient transparency of the market in which the Product evaluation often in a serious dilemma.
Because the products are only difficult to compare, there is regularly misperceptions regarding the coverage of your needs\”, notes the CRM expert. Numerous previous implementation projects got into difficulties, because the requirements analysis and system evaluation were operated in the run-up to the projects of insufficient scope and without sound specialist and methodological competence.\” Because who put on a false solution, infringes its CRM project already, before it had even started. Where there has been such problems, it according to a study by xact4u was mainly due to unclear criteria for a vendor selection (55 percent), as well as poorly defined requirements and functional specifications (52 percent). It is all the more important in the eyes of Barbra, to rid the project preparation phase of their typical weaknesses. xact4u developed methods based on best practices, which help the risks for upcoming Implementation projects to reduce already in advance.