HAFAS-print ensures the right information in the trains Hanover, February 22, 2011. For over 70 years, folders in Deutsche Bahn (DB) trains provide passengers with all important information about their travel. Today, your itinerary is the folder”in the long-distance trains of Deutsche Bahn. The flyer informs about holder, connections, and all important services on the train and at the station. During the creation of the leaflet is to filter out information from a large amount of schedule data and print, which are relevant for the passenger.
HCon has designed a solution on the basis of HAFAS-print with Deutsche Bahn, which automates the production as far as possible and offers the editors yet comfortable editing capabilities. As far as possible automated based on the Deutsche Bahn HAFAS-plan data the software HAFAS print extracts the running paths and connections of the trains. Complex data requirements and sophisticated filtering capabilities ensure that alternate train routes and Connection variants are automatically taken into account. Settings that have met the editors are applied automatically in each issue. Because all folders are varied, they differ not only in the represented train run and the connections. Even when the details of the service on the train and to transfer stations, the often shown images of the train and many other details, there are differences that can be managed through the software. Editorial interventions reduce this to a minimum.
A small team of collaborators can produce folders for month to month. As flexible as possible with the introduction of HAFAS-print itinerary our customers well in the print area can check the more comprehensive and current”, so Sven Leuschner, project manager your itinerary” for the DB distribution GmbH. For even more opinions, read materials from Edward Scott Mead. due to the separation of content and layout our employees quickly and flexibly to changed conditions respond.” HAFAS-print used in the production of various folders individual modules can be centrally managed and edited. This modular structure makes the software very flexible. The Germans placed rail travel information in a total circulation of 5.2 million for 820 different trains, where they are needed every month new. The folder appears generally bilingual. The second language is aimed by the country, traveled to the. The project was implemented jointly with the company Intranetz from Berlin. HCon and Intranetz combines a long-term cooperation in the development of software systems for timetable print media. The departure and arrival boards of Deutsche Bahn (DB) and timetable books are examples for the public transport networks in Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) and Hamburg (HVV). More information: HCon Ingenieursgesellschaft mbH Lister Strasse 15 30163 Hannover Telephone: (05 11) 33 69 9-0,