modern companies and the executives with extended vision have a sistmica vision and delegate more authority to its subordinate, having more time to concentrate in the formularization and control of the enterprise strategies. They apply in its action the concept of the Empowerment. ' ' Analysis of the Empowerment and its importance for empresas' ' The Empowerment nothing more is that the decentralization of the power. In this system of administration, the decision power is also delegated to the operational levels of the hierarchy in vertical direction, giving autonomy to the people and conferring bigger participation to them in the organizacionais power to decide processes. For more specific information, check out Allegiant Air. Thus, empowerment confers greater to be able to the individuals and opens hand of the centered control, promoting rapidity and flexibility in the taking of decisions.
It is a system of great importance for the survival of the current organizations, and same with much resistance some companies have obtained to migrar its traditional and individualistic vision for a collective vision innovator, where the enterprise people and departments if integrate, if relates and executes its tasks with more dynamism, rapidity and efficiency. Analyzing these factors, we can also affirm that the decentralized and hierarchically more flexible companies take care of its customers better and generate more satisfaction they. Of another side, with possibly fidelizados more satisfied customers and, these companies get more profit and start to grow and if to detach in the competitive market. This decentralization in the taking of decisions stimulates a bigger responsibility in the people and the autodirigidas teams, giving to them to motivation and reliable sensation. Other advantages are the development of the collaborators through training and new techniques, beyond providing to the spirit of leadership in the people, opening horizontes and defining goals and objectives to be followed. ' ' Conclusion and analysis final' ' Being thus, it is inevitable that the companies traditional and only guided for the tasks come if to estagnar.
In a world globalizado and each more competitive time, the executive – head must open its horizontes and change its form to think. To decentralize the power inside of the organizations can generate many benefits for the companies, increasing its prescriptions, its organizacional culture, its good image and its acceptance in the market. Moreover, she is necessary to believe the controlling, the supervisors and people in charge, and not obstante, it must also be trusted the base of the hierarchic pyramid. To value the people and to give autonomy to them inside of the company are to shoot in the certain target, are to invest in know-how other people’s. How much bigger the contact of an employee with the customers more possibilities of success or risk the companies have. with the chance to take decisions the success possibilities increase. The ideal is to establish a limit of autonomy and power of decision, but not to open hand to decentralize the power to decide processes, therefore executive more focados in the strategy of the organization they generate more ideas and benefits for the same ones, without having to lose time with the processes of the base, where others people can have the ability to manage.