After the fall of the Roman Empire, invasions are succeeded, want the Germanics in 500 d.C., want the Arab in 714 d.C. In this period it About Moura was constructed, circular wall whose walls if extend until a edge of the Tejo. Next to the river the craftsmen would place themselves, fishing and the traders. In 1147, with the conquest of the city for D. Alfonso Enriques, of – the expansion of the city beyond walls.
Between 1373 and 1376 (in this period, given the growth of the city, the city was become enlarged, having appeared habitacionais nuclei is of the amuralhado enclosure), wall is constructed to it Fernandina due to expansion of the city. The development of Lisbon always was related with the interests of the Kingdom. During the second half of century XIII and first of century XIV the city it knew fast development. Interested for the urbanism of Lisbon, D. Dinis carried out the construction of a main street – the New Street of Chainses.
There the commerce and the finance were about important businesses related with. Already during the reign of D. Fernando, between 1373-75, had been widened the territorial limits of the city, protected for a new wall, as behind relates already it. Also during the period of the Portuguese expansion, in century XV and first half of century XVI, the city knew, again, widening of its space, form to shelter new inhabitants. In the second half of century XVI the city had 24 parishes. In the end of the same centria it counted already on 34. In 1704 the parochial registers gave account of 90 a thousand fogos for about 360 a thousand inhabitants. About 1729 200 a thousand inhabitants counted themselves; about 1755, before of terramoto, 250 a thousand inhabitants, what perfazia 10% of the population of the kingdom counted themselves. The city, cut for hills in front of the estuary of the Tejo, could be divided in two separate parts for a valley, in the direction South-North.