DNHK informed CampusChances Cologne at the career fair on June 10 that the Netherlands have more to offer than PATAT Speciaal, coffee shops, tulips and bikes, it soon becomes clear that who are informed about current job opportunities in the neighbouring country. The company despite global crisis in the past and the impact this year before the problem, finding appropriate staff, also the German language are available in the Netherlands. “That offers excellent opportunities for German workers” know Yvonne Brockhaus, personnel consultant of the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce (DNHK) in the Hague, which on June 10 the Netherlands labour market “at the career fair introduces CampusChances Cologne. The Dutch economy is connected to the German closely. German is here – in addition to English – a requirement for all business relations with German companies.
But fewer and fewer students and young professionals speak good German because of lack of interest, the difficult German Grammar or the rarely consumed German television channel, who have lost their audience in the English-speaking channels. Already today the Dutch company cannot meet their needs for graduates or young employees with negotiating secure knowledge of German. Looking for qualified professionals with knowledge of German. The Chamber of Commerce gives German applicants to Dutch companies for years. Especially in recent times, many people are given the tense economic situation”keen to gain a foothold on Dutch labour market more flexible, Yvonne Brockhaus explains the situation. We use the career fair CampusChances, to inform the local labour market situation in detail on the day of the fair, and we assist candidates to create the optimal career in a neighbouring country.” But not only workers are sought. Also Dutch universities Woo German students that offer excellent employment after graduation and career opportunities in the Dutch company. This does not necessarily mean the hiking in the Netherlands. It is possible to also work in German offices of Dutch companies.