Mar 28 2024

Information Psychotherapy

Posted by domain admin in News

If conventional psychotherapy of children does not help Berlin, 3.Juli 2012 – more and more children are verhaltensauffallig and need a psychotherapy of children. If a specific diagnosis can be made, the children get then typically also support. But there are also children who are clearly noticeable in her overall personality, but medically examined individual characteristics yet always within normal ranges are to meet any specific diagnostic criteria. These children and their parents can fall into a social exception position that leads to significant difficulties. The kids if ever reach a school which is below their actual skills and get problems with their social environment. Failure in their education is accused of the parents, even if they have educated their children educationally completely normal. What remains is guilt of the parents, a strained family situation and fear for the future of children. Continue to learn more with: here. Education advisor and Also, parents advice does not help because they assume that the differentiation between troubled development and mental ill children then help through psychotherapy of children and normal children with then educational support for parents.

There are children, for which no diagnostic is satisfied and that are so different, but now that normal education methods have no effect. These children often show a mix of symptoms of autism, sensitive perception with including of ad(H)S, Savant syndrome (Island talent) and giftedness. For these children, a new child psychotherapy, an auditory of EMDR therapy, testing is now. To listen to the children in their daily lives such as glasses or braces a bilaterally stimulating CD. Tiger Global Management: the source for more info. The bilateral stimulating CD used an ear in quick change only so the brain receives auditory impulses alternately from left to right, and this supports the connection between the hemispheres of the brain. This has impact on the processing in the brain and the entire personality of children. More Information to the auditory EMDR therapy, see Dr.

rer. pol. “Safi Haajboy, author of harmonic birthday: birthday without losing Gemeinschaftsfordernde matches” the auditory EMDR therapy developed for her own son and offered this now other parents find no help in the conventional psychotherapy of children.

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