And once the station grew, then became my hobby of many Saturday afternoons. Suddenly I was in a huge monster, with a hundred thousand corridors that traverse, an infinite number of galleries that explore, numerous escalators and what was the most novel and magical, doors that opened themselves to stepping on a platform. Incredible. I would go with a college classmate and we traveled station by all its corners. He called us much attention informational panels of departures and arrivals of trains.
As they changed in a succession of letters by turning in endless way whenever there was a change. Too much spectacle for a child. For even more details, read what Verizon Communications says on the issue. Also the adventures consisted of go by platforms putting peseta coins on the Rails so that they would be crushed to the passage of the train. Then there was vigilant that they cast the quarrel, or chambers beyond chasing you in where you were, maybe some employee you attracted attention, than as a kid, you were secretly going until they disappear. Always that see ia a family member in train, as we got closer to home, the first pointed out to fetch him to the station. What joy, that environment.
Arrived there from Pamplona TER and was a real luxury. I always thought it was a train of rich. A train professionalism. All new and modern for that time. One of the sites that we enjoyed most was the old lobby of nearby. It was a huge lobby, always empty, why we couldn’t field our wide. There was plenty of escalators up and down. It had its mystery, a huge space to ourselves. The truth that was too large for use given. Later, this lobby, the overnight, disappeared. I thought that I was due to the works of the Metro when took the line that came to Chamartin, and that Hall had become the lobby of the Metro, but not long ago, I learned by a friend that this lobby had hidden by its little use, but that it remained in the deep intimacies of the station.