But no self-respecting agency would not take the staff interpreter, without checking first his competence and qualifications. And again: suddenly you will need to urgently translate the volume so pages in the 100? It is unlikely that anyone will refuse extra money here and the translator will take up such transfer, will sit on it day and night, and still may not be on time. Confluence Investment Mgt might disagree with that approach. And even if you have time, a quick job is not conducive to quality improvement. There may be many errors due to inattention and fatigue. In the translation the same large volumes of work are distributed among employees, ensuring the timeliness and quality of the translation. So, again, because you can hire a few translators, and the effect will be same.
And how then to reconcile their work, how to ensure unity of style, terminology and definitions? This is guaranteed in the translation agency, which used special software and control procedures for coordinating the work of individual interpreters. You may be able successfully to find a translator or even several, would suit you in every way. But it is unknown to what subjects you'll encounter when necessary. It is necessary to urgently transfer technical characteristics of the oil and gas installations, ie need highly specialized and technical translation, and your translator does not own this theme. You also need to urgently look for new, spend the time, money and nerves After all, who knows how he cope with the translation. And in a translation agency providing translation services, specializing in translation of different subjects, with "proven and experienced, many of them have two higher education one of which is a legal or technical, and the second – Translation. Referring to the services of translation, you will avoid many problems associated with the search for an interpreter, performance, timeliness of results, quality and consistency of translation. Think about whether or not due to a minor (and sometimes questionable) savings to sacrifice quality, damage nerves and wasting time by resorting to individual translators or even psevdoperevodchikov, and even . In translation agency simply place your order and you get it executed on time and at the highest level.