The educational methods for the formation of values are based in that the teacher must gaze escudrinadora to know the child, subject and object of education. The only way you can educate fullness. The best educator will not never be the wiser, but which is at the same time, more benevolent, the more discreet, more delicate, that the dignity of the character to the austerity of the science. See more detailed opinions by reading what Oracle offers on the topic.. Without benevolence, without discretion, there is no possible education at home or at school. Learn more at this site: Gary Kelly. The tradition in formation of values became flesh and blood in the generation of the 53, which again opened the way to melt the Marti thought with new ideas of Marxism. It was released to the fight.
The revolution was made. The revolutionary process itself has been a great source for the formation of new values. All institutions of society should contribute to it, and especially the school. The concept of new man, conceived by Che, is a strong impetus to the objectives of education. The formation of values should continue to be the center of the country’s educational concern. First of all, of an exemplary fool-proof of the Professor, with an ethical sense of responsibility and unconditional (based on the success of the politico-ideological and educational work, rests in the exemplarity of the teacher and of the collective pedagogical). The teacher assumes a dual role in the teaching-learning process. On the one hand, you must become facilitator of this, and on the other hand, direct it according to specific objectives formative. The cardinal objective of Cuban pedagogy is from primary school to University to train men comprehensive, creative and competent; so they must be educators and for this purpose its mission is to act as guides, counsellors and guardians of its students, work should be strengthened in the daily work with scientific, pedagogical arguments and contributing ideas from their experiences, preparation and experience.