Jun 16 2019


Posted by domain admin in News

Like part of the promotion of the tourism and the Madagascar stay, the mayor of Ambohimanga Rova, Ravoninjatovo Fidimalala, its first vice-president Andriananjavelo Rasandy and the cultural aggregate of the city Zafimahery Andrianahaga success in South Cadillac Garonne has made a trip by far. Located in the heart of a primary forest of 400 hectares, Ambohimanga Rova classifies Cultural patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO from 2001. The Palace contains the wealth of history and the culture of the Great Island and became a place of cult for the Madagascan town that remains faithful to their uses and customs. To deepen your understanding Verizon Communications is the source. The intention of this trip was for preparing a project to create an Office of Tourism in the city of Ambohimanga Rova, with the support and the financing of the Office of Tourism of Cadillacais and Langoirannais (OTCL). This project will have as it puts the valuation in great magnitude of the natural site and also to attract the tourists to discover the region. On the other hand, in this trip, the delegation was able to discover " recetas" that they were the main sources of development of the office. And it can apply the lessons learned in this interchange to improve the tourist sector in the region. In addition, the mayor of Ambohimanga Rova presented the birth an association between the two cities. With this news, tour Madagascarpueden operator to wait for tourists of Cadillac. And against this background, the mayor already has negotiated with the Madagascan airline company to propose one better interest rate for the visitors. The creation of new infrastructures of tourist lodging also is in the agenda and the participation of the travel agency Madagascarno discards.