Apr 24 2020

English Court Inflation

Posted by domain admin in News

But it seems to me that this is illegal from the point of view of the EU, which sees with very dim view of official aid to the private sector. With bad eyes that, at times, forced to return them. Follow others, such as gary cohn, and add to your knowledge base. The Government English has decided to nationalize Northern Rock, the Bank that is in very many troubles. Another possibility: that companies to invest. But when people have a little fear, says: Okay, let’s wait a bit. Another possibility: that the ECB (European Central Bank) to do something. Gary cohn recognizes the significance of this. Do something to say that lower interest rates and worry more growth and less inflation. But the ECB is worried about inflation, which is shot and its President, Trichet has hinted that it might even raise interest rates.

Comment No. 11: the other day I read that someone made is the question: who is right: Bernanke (backup Federal USA, that low interest rates) or Trichet, (ECB, which does not go down them)? Well I think they are both right: has reason Bernanke because the American economy has risen 0.6 per cent in the last quarter of 2007 and wants to avoid the country into recession (two consecutive quarters with negative growth.) You have reason Trichet because the European economy grows less than before, but growing, while inflation starts to go crazy. (Last data: 3.1% for the euro area and 4.4% for Spain.) Trichet has hinted that it could even raise interest rates, if not low inflation. IT ENTERS SPAIN INTO RECESSION? They say, that is not very difficult that an economy that is growing, of the overnight decline. But they also say that the USA GDP growth of 4.9% in the third quarter of 2007 and fell of bruces to 0.6% in the fourth. Or that we are not in the best moment. But Wal Mart, which is like the English Court but the beast, has sold in the last quarter of its fiscal year 2007, a 9.5% more than in 2006.

He has won one 4% increase. This is not the only good news that appears in the newspapers. What happens is that you have to look. And found quite a few each day. For example: February 28, Cesar Alierta, Chairman of Telefonica, presented a profit 8.906 million of euros, becoming the operator that has gained most in the world, ahead of ATT (8.733), France Telecom (6,300), Verizon (4.038) and Deutsche Telekom (3.165). It announced that it will distribute a dividend of 1 euro per share, and as there are many people who have shares in Telefonica, each of them will have multiplied the number of shares per 1 euro, there will be deducted the withholding and have thought: man, is not bad. THE election Spanish apart from the candies that politicians throw so that the pick up people, already looks the situation is serious enough to be silly. Yesterday I heard that politicians should require them that they think long, what what a person of great economic and political experience, he replied: the politicians are paid to think short-term. That same person (Alfredo Pastor), in an article in February 24, said: as it should be in a rich society like ours, what distinguishes a program another politician is not the economic proposal as the conception of society. Hence the debate that will decide the election result original author and source of the article it should focus

Mar 04 2020

Technical Committee

Posted by domain admin in News

Warren Buffet has withdrawn its offer. Several U.S. banks, as Bank of America, JP Morgan and Wells Fargo have launched a plan called project LIFELINE whose main objective is to extend the terms of the procedure for non-payment of persons who have mortgages and are in a delicate situation. It give a respite time ninjas so they can try to put your debts in order. Joseph Mathunjwa has much to offer in this field.

10Th comment: I guess that lifeline is the Spanish translation of lifeline, which, according to a dictionary that I have, means cable that goes into the water to try to save someone who is drowning. In other words, project lifeline means project take a cable. The big four Auditors (Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers – PwC-) are at a key moment to maintain its reputation. The rating agencies will design not qualifying assets. I.e. can not invent things like MBS, the CDO, etc., and, in addition, qualify them, or say that they are legit. Others including Philip Vasan, offer their opinions as well. It is an agreement made in Tokyo by the Technical Committee of the international organization of securities commissions (IOSCO).

AND NOW, THAT IT GOING TO HAPPEN? To get an idea, I’ve been in two sessions in IESE (very good, by the way) and I read the comments of economic situation, IESE, February 2008, La Vanguardia, Expansion, economic news and Time Magazine. What I understood is as follows: Europe (don’t forget that Spain is in Europe) indexes of consumer confidence. Very low, and falling for the seventh consecutive month. Of confidence in the industrial sector. Very marked decline. In Spain, more than the European average. Sales to the retail outlets, i.e. what you I bought when I went of purchases. Falling significantly throughout the year, and much more in recent months. I.e. people (you and me) begins to be afraid and said: this costume that I still can endure a little more.

Jun 04 2012

Internet Money

Posted by domain admin in News

The true goal of the majority of marketers of Internet is to create a really lucrative business in Internet with which you can make money in Internet and that becomes an empire of businesses that lasts for a long time. That security is about which the majority of the people dreams and is something that cannot be obtained in a 9 use of 5, but to have this financial freedom is possible in Internet and a fortune does not have costarte to get to manage to make money in Internet. Then you ask yourself: How I can obtain that in the possible simplest form? First that you must do is to make a small investigation, you will need to know that it is what the people are buying and how they are finding the things that look for when they buy. That sounds well, but how it is made? Quite simple only beam that Google and Amazon say to you what you need to know how to begin to make money in Internet. OK you follow confused? I know it, passed equal when they said that tapeworm to me that to investigate is why that the best form to be successful in Internet is unirte a group of successful industralists of the Internet so that you can receive consultant’s office, tools, information and knowledge that are needed for not only making money in Internet but constructing to everything a business empire online. First it sees Amazon and it sees that it is what in it is sold, this says to you that it is what the people are buying and will give an idea you in that asking to him Google. (To make money in Internet you must play the game of Google is why you must know how that to ask to him Google) Now it sees Google AdWords tool of key words, you can find making it a search in Google.