In order to solve problems that are associated with any business, undertaking, business idea you want to study this from the inside, that is the first step should be searching for cause. Larry Ellison understood the implications. Speaking about the global crisis cause which was the collapse of world credit system, should take into account global issues that affect people from outside, burying them under a range of new business ideas, plans and ideas. Many people are simply becoming impossible to conduct their own business. However, in these conditions can greatly minimize any resulting loss, of course, if you want to use leverage and experienced, highly skilled managers who will be able to the right direction to use all available human capital, avoiding any loss. New business idea many companies, in order to avoid future problems, have the moves of their own insurance risks, which, however, is very complicated and costly procedure, especially since the human capacity to insure the capital can not, because due to improper handling by the one constantly exhausted. Thus, at this stage the main business idea in the crisis should become literate disposition idea how the available resources and capital. And as business people will use them to achieve some goals, in what circumstances – it will depend on the success of their company. And, most importantly, it is reasonable to combine the needs of the human capital with the need to use them. This is especially true in our fast-paced world, because the main moment is the harmonious combination of all the resources, good ability to re-distribute, applying in all areas, including innovative projects, new business ideas. Use your company's potential and their employees is rational, then there is no crisis and recessions are not afraid of you.
Model is needed for a proper understanding of business processes, which greatly simplifies the evaluation process and helps to ensure a more accurate result. The most reliable results when analyzing the operation of the business gives a diagnosis of its financial condition, since every aspect of the impact on the financial situation of the business. For example, seasonality of the company (firm). In the process of diagnosis by means of financial indicators (ratios) reveals business trends. Typically, when evaluating the business value of a well-known set of financial performance ratios are considered: – ability to pay – financial stability – profitability – a business activity. It should be noted that in various areas – manufacturing, services, consumption – the "normal" value of these coefficients will be different. No match "rules" the value of these factors, in turn, reduce the cost of business.
External factor (industry) – which was discussed above, characterized the relationship with suppliers, intermediaries and clients. This is also the competitive environment. The main influence on the business value across industries have dynamics and production, as well as inherent risks of the industry. Impact on the industry functioning of the business has, in turn, and the state (as an external factor) through political, economic, demographic, cultural and other factors. State and business are parts of a whole and therefore can not be considered in isolation. Gross domestic income, inflation, meaning interest rates, fiscal policy, and much more – all of these factors are considered when assessing the value of the business. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of the research object allows you to gain an understanding of utility and, accordingly, the cost of business for the owner and the potential buyer. The principle of utility, along with principles such as the substitution principle and the expectations are prerequisites on which the valuation of the business. Under the principle of utility business has a value in the If it is useful to a potential buyer.
In addition to the before-and after-sales and engineering services for all forms of sales, in the interests of the consumer is a wide range of other value added services, including the adoption of comprehensive delivery obligations by entering into compensation, barter transactions, the use of various credit schemes in the calculation of insurance risks. Competitiveness is assessed by comparing the parameters analyzed products with the options to the consumer, or with the parameters of the product sample. The compared parameters must be expressed in similar magnitudes of measurement. The comparison is made by groups of technical and economic parameters. In assessing the competitive differential can be applied, integrated and hybrid methods. If the recipient's organizational capabilities necessary information to assess competitiveness, difficulty selecting a sample analog can use the simplified methods.
One of the options appraisal assessment – the use of graphs the average economic parameters of products according from its main technical parameters or benefits. Educate yourself with thoughts from Southwest Airlines. These graphs can be constructed by averaging the total cost to the individual models with different technical parameters (eg capacity, productivity, etc.). Specified average unit cost of complete and can be considered as a basis for assessing the competitiveness of products, which is offered to buyers in this market. Comparison product is on the comparison table settings. As a result, comparison of the methods (differential, integrated, or mixed) is given by one of the following conclusions: 1.
products are competitive in the market in comparer products 2. products have low competitiveness in the compared classroom products on the market 3. products are not fully competitive in the compared classroom products on the market. Conclusion is complemented by the conclusions of the advantages and disadvantages of products evaluated by comparison with analogues, as well as proposals for measures to be taken to improve the situation in the market. At present, consumer market in Moscow the main factor of competition are price and availability of the required product mix.
Creating a business plan with their own hands. Lesson one. Business planning, start your own business, a hairdressing salon, a candle factory, or an innovative business (fashion, be sure to start an innovative business), in any case you need business plan. How to create a business plan for yourself, just yourself and we will discuss in this article. To deepen your understanding Stuart McClure is the source. Create a business plan we are going in Excel, but it is in Excel. The advantages of Excel to the monsters of business planning, Project Experts Alt Invest and others, that you consider your business. You control all the calculations, as for example, in searchlights at the interface is driven sales plan and press the button count, and all you have the stream of payments, net present value, internal rate of return, and so forth before their eyes, and from where that came from, it is not clear. To really create a good business plan need to really understand what is going to do and be able to conduct financial analysis of the project, namely the financial analysis of the project and is the core business plan, and all other sections of the business plan – this is just the preface to the financial analysis of the project.
So today we will learn calculate the net present value of our project. What is the net present value, NPV (Net Present Value). Suppose we have an opportunity to invest money in any new project, let's say we buy property for five hundred thousand, and a year later (no crisis) we sell our property for six hundred and fifty thousand rubles. And we have an alternative opportunity to invest our money simply by putting them in the bank under twenty percent per annum for the year. We have two alternative ways to invest money – in banks and real estate, some of these methods we choose.
We have analyzed the current practice of determining the liquidation costs for different purposes. Personal property, for the most part, has inelastic demand, so much more important is the definition of the liquidation value of the direct method, based on the identification of possible realizable value. Liquidation discounts will depend largely on the costs associated with the sale of property and to a lesser extent than real estate, from rebates to low and exposure time lack of marketing.
– No, – said my interlocutor. – I do not agree on such a small profit. At the top manager ringing cell phone. He answers the call. – No, we do not agree to the proposed amount. What! Well then, we especially do not agree! – What is it? – Asks the owner.
– Basil says that if we agree to sell him the site he was not willing to pay the agreed amount yesterday. He will pay 5% less. – Well, he went to the forest – says the owner. – Insolent altogether. I looked at his companion closely. Then summed.
– Perhaps, until you decide what you want really nothing I can not help you. – I need to sell the land at a profit 100%, well, at least case 90%. I need people willing to pay the money. – It is not possible – I say. – The price of land in the coming year will fall. And if you do not want to wait for the next wave of growth in the land market, it is necessary to sell at that price, which gives it a now. – I do not understand how anyone at all agrees to pay for such advice, – said my interlocutor. *** Here is the same analogy with the leader of an ancient tribe of our ancestors. It so happened that fishery, which anciently specialized tribe, became widely known to neighboring tribes. And for the fish, which the tribe and sold vyalilo neighbors now can barter for beaver pelts are much smaller and antlers than ever before. Tribal leader calls for sage itself, and requires to make the price of fish in the sea otter skins per antlers and was the same as a few years ago. On that sage reasonably argues that with each passing day the fish will be assessed by all the neighboring tribes cheaper, and that we should now sell at that price, some are willing to pay, and then seriously think about changing the specialization of our tribe.
What is a sales analysis? Why do I need an analysis of sales? What methods are applied to analyze the sales? These and other questions frequently asked by owners, entrepreneurs and executives. And each of their answers may be quite different. And everyone will be in its own right. The answers to these questions depend on the purpose of confronting managers and information needed for decision making. Depending on this analysis sales can amount to selective or cumulative review of such parameters as: revenue, shipments, sales in volume and value terms, the remains of a warehouse, selling price, assortment analysis series, profitability, earnings, income, expenses, receivables and payables, the number of customers, number of calls made by sales manager, etc.
In this paper, we propose to consider one of analysis of sequence variants in sales. At the initial stage, the analysis of sales, sales mix and profitability of sales. At this stage, identify trends, which are formed with respect to sales (Growth, stability, decline), as well as the influence of groups and categories of products / services to these trends and level of influence. Change in share of profit earned in each of the hryvnia, the effect of the previous period changes in prices for products / services and changes in cost levels. Analysis of sales, as well as analysis of any other activities can be carried out for various measurements as someone convenient. One of these is the most basic and performance-based "Statistician." Indicators that are used in the calculations: The analysis of sales: sales of products and services both in volume and in value terms in the dynamics (in terms of periods of time – year, month, week, day) growth rate, growth rate, compared with the previous period, revenue and profits, other things. Analysis of the structure of sales: the volume of sales of products and services both in volume and in value terms in the context of groups and categories products / services, by client, for individual retail outlets, more.