Pentadoc shows how the just-in-time principle positive information logistics of a company affects Frankfurt am Main, 23 April 2013. Recently the book of the Info cube as you make your company with information management more competitive “appeared. Pentadoc, its Board Guido Schmitz know-how and practical experience from numerous customer projects were incorporated into the book. An enterprise information logistics is increasingly becoming an economic factor in the competition. From this point of view, this book for the management and departments should be a clear, striking instrument for the introduction to this topic. The author, himself a seasoned management consultant, wants to familiarize the reader with a method grippy in the best sense with the Info cube.
All perspectives that are necessary for efficient information management, are illuminated by a look at the six sides of the cube information. This creates an overview which goes far beyond the often widespread technological perspective. She wants the Info cube open frequently used, mostly technological perspective on information management, because from the practical experience following perspectives need to have an equally decisive role: the perspectives strategy, person, communication, processes, just-in-time information logistics and compliance. Checklists and many practical examples make it easy for the reader to transmit the material in everyday business. Thus, this book gives a pragmatic Guide at hand can be the complexity of the tasks in the handling of information structured and resulted in the success of the projects management and project managers of information management projects. The book of the Info cube”is focused on entrepreneurial practice and a realistic feasibility of the presented approaches. Practical examples of the guest authors from the company d.velop, Fabasoft, Henrichsen, insiders technologies, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS and SER prove this.
More excerpts and ordering information: votes for the book: Willi Engel,. “Head of ECM of BITKOM e.V.: the Info cube a well-done overview of information management and for beginners as well as experts is an informative and entertaining work.” Werner Weiss, CEO of insiders technologies GmbH: The book profoundly accesses the latest topics related to the future information management. The central topics are comprehensive and sophisticated prepared the look goes beyond refreshing way outside the usual box. Very worth reading, informative and entertaining at the same time.” Mario Donnebrink, Director of sales & marketing, CMO, d.velop AG: in the Administration, businesses need efficient processes and a simple handling of documents and information. Guido Schmitz brings this connection in his book on the point and goes far beyond the usual technical approach.”