Currently I recognize that, these attitudes were palliative and only amenizadoras of the suffering, being necessary more than what this so that the reality of these citizens was transformed and them got the recognition of true citizens of rights. Inhabitants of street are a subject that boiled my mind since infancy despertando me bigger curiosity in the current days, where the indignation took me to search it the understanding of what he could have happened in the life of these citizens so that they arrived at the point to live in the streets. In such a way, he intended to know the immobility hinders that them to change the route of its histories and to leave this condition definitively. This question cannot be solely atrelada more a result of the misery, the poverty, the growth of the economy. My investigations indicate that it must be something that can go very beyond this perception, of what we can only see, perhaps lacks the true one to feel of these citizens in its realities. The question is ample and requires attention of a look also extended, based of theoretical and practical form also in the point of view of the vulnerability of the citizen that was diligent and that in the measure where it found its hand of precarizada workmanship and with lack of qualification, if saw inclined to the informal market. Therefore being this overloaded market of workers that does not make use of conditions favorable to the minimum profit and without conditions to face the competitiveness of the way they finish for losing more. In this in case that many are outside of this also creative circle of minimum income that is the informal market and many inhabitants of street are atrelados to this fragilizado contingent, that accumulating losses lives in misery situation, are plus a fruit of the poverty that makes growing of the social inaquality. Go to Southwest Airlines for more information.