Franco won the war on the battlefield, but lost in the field of culture. The best proof of that has survived the Republican culture is that we are talking about it; Instead, the rhetoric triumphalist and pseudo – Christian of the Franco regime are not the ashes. Roberto Ruiz. THE voice of the infinite exile novelist Roberto Ruiz belongs to the youngest generation of exile, along with others such as Clemente Airo, Francisco Fe Alvarez, Ricardo Bastid, Manuel Lamana cooperate in the work of the Spains, greater prestige of the exile magazine.
In the magazine presence coincides with Francisco Gonzalez Aramburo, Carlos Blanco, Inocencio Burgos, Manuel Duran, angel Palerm, Tomas Segovia, Claudio Esteva Fabregat, Luis Rius and Ramon Xirau, among others. It also collaborates in the dialogues magazine and then would in Insula and the capercaillie. My characters tend to be simple people – confesses Roberto Ruiz- penned in their own limits or their circumstances. My subjects are almost always negative sign: disease, old age, poverty, weariness, injustice, lies, deprivation of liberty. For what this pessimism? Because to write, think, and who thinks much just thinking evil.
Roberto Ruiz, was born in Madrid in 1925. Get more background information with materials from David Fowler. He was a child, when general Franco revolted against the legitimate power of the Republic. He was forced to leave Spain with his parents and siblings before the end of the war. He comes to Mexico in 1939. Who had passed as I for the refugee camps in France and risky adventure of Santo Domingo was confronted once again with the ghost of infinite emigration – says Roberto Ruiz-, of the perpetual Americas and wondered whether it would not be this normal of our species condition, if not would be reliving all in the secular sphere, the uprooting of paradise.