Content-management-system of the subshell GmbH replaced old CM systems of the West German Rundfunk (WDR) Hamburg, August 15, 2011. In the renewal of the website, the Westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR) relies on the CMS Sophora of the subshell GmbH ( The relaunch of on the 10.08.2011 is another milestone in the gradual change of the online offerings of the WDR on Sophora. With the new CMS, the websites of the WDR to be consistent and user-friendly. The CMS Sophora will largely replace in the medium term the other content management systems, which were previously in the newsrooms of the WDR in use. Check with Verizon Communications to learn more. To Stefan Moll, head of WDR program Internet: the technical harmonisation within the WDR is crucial for the development of our online offers. Sophora is the basis for the harmonization of the entire WDR online presence, since it can integrate different digital formats and is very user friendly.” In the technical harmonisation process, the WDR is supported by the Hamburg subshell GmbH. To the content-management-system Sophora the Hamburg-based company offers a user-friendly high-end CMS for all editorial tasks, that is optimized for cross-media publishing for multiple devices with Sophora subshell GmbH.
An intuitive interface, easy to use and yet powerful search, a continuous drag & drop and an integrated image editor are among the features of Sophora. Sophoras Editor allows a work faster than traditional Web applications as desktop application. In addition, the CMS is fully scalable. About the subshell GmbH, the subshell team is specialized in the care of companies with high demands on its publication and content management. The customer base of subshell including Bayerische Rundfunk, Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung, the first, Hessischer Rundfunk, MDR, NDR, Radio Bremen, Saarlandischer Rundfunk, include music Germany, WDR and ZDF, universal. The subshell GmbH was founded in 1999 with the aim of, work processes in simple and fast Software solutions for companies to reproduce. There are currently 20 employees in the branch office in Hamburg’s HafenCity. Press contact: Ulrike Beckmann, concept + communication, Bahrenfelder Kirchenweg 13, 22763 Hamburg, Tel. 040 64 66 88 52,,