In our time, love to talk about juvenile offenders. Now I want to tell you about one problem child, so to say “loser” and how its energy is directed rednecks in the right direction and he grew quite decent adult. Its name was Alesha. Mom boy, unfortunately, died when he was still a toddler, and my father was very strict man. The family had two boys, and Alesha was older, more stubborn and did not give any paternal educational measures. Alesha liked all sorts of games – toys it was present in the form of firearms. From the street the boy brought the sticks and make them swords and swords (although they constantly had to hide, that his father did not saw).
When Alexei was playing for the inability then he scratched someone’s car, that roared, etc. The complaints led to the neighbors that his father broke and threw all the toys. Child likes music and he loved to play guitar (although not able to). This noise irritated by his father, eventually the guitar was taken away. Still much too forbidden.
As a result, the punishment Alesha often stood in the corner. But with each visit to this nasty place in it only grew stronger desire for the first opportunity to break the rules. The boy was on his way to becoming a complete violator of all orders, because of all adults in the address he had just heard – “loser.” You do not like this story? The salvation of Alyosha’s father was a desire to marry again. Appeared stepmother was a blessing to Alyosha. She made a reservation and they were sent by mail two new shiny gun – one for her, the other – for him. Together they spent many hours, when she taught the child to choose a safe target for the shooting. The woman allowed the boy to engage in what he likes and this has won him the love and trust. Having decided to send a rough energy Alyosha’s the best goal, she began to teach him to express his thoughts on paper. Finally, later, she helped arrange a reporter in one of the local newspapers. Today, he thinks it was a crucial moment that defined his future life. Is it any wonder that he was so grateful to this great woman? And now it is difficult to call a loser. Board of Psychologist: “Rejoice, if your child is brave and restless. Help them to channel their energy into achieving success in life. Praise your children for their willingness to try to do something. Show them how to learn from their mistakes when they take the wrong course. And most importantly, more often signify your approval than condemnation, as is human nature to his own life confirms the reputation that it has in others. “And in general:” whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, that courtesy, that glorious, that only virtue and praise, think on these things. ” (Philippians 4:8).