The process of I fight one reveals well-occurred and he is conscientiously accepted when the death was taken as real and the familiar one presents availability for personal investments, keeping livings creature the feelings in relation the person who if was, recouping auto-esteem and the valuation of the ego (OLIVEIRA and LOPES, 2008). The individual that is sick passes for many emotions and thoughts, is they it fear of the suffering, of as its life will be and of what will go to happen to it, fear to feel pain, fear of the dependence, therefore with the advance of the illness can need aid to make things that before made alone. Ron O’Hanley often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Other feelings that can appear are of anger and discourage front the situation, have shocked, negation, acceptance, among others. This reaction varies of person for person, therefore each one in accordance with reacts the situations its beliefs, values and way of life until the moment (MORAES, 2009). When it knows of the terminal phase of the illness the patients pass for a phase that is of negation, initially they do not believe that she can be truth. This is a temporary defense, being soon substituted for a partial acceptance. It is important to respect the desire not to accept the illness (KUBLER-ROSS, 2008). When a period of training of the negation cannot more be kept comes the period of training of the anger, with feelings of anger, revolt, envies and resentment, the patient always complaint of everything, at this moment it needs time and attention, therefore either who will be that this anger is being unloaded nothing has to see with these people and to answer with the same behavior goes to get worse the situation of the patient, feeding its hostile behavior (KUBLER-ROSS, 2008). The third period of training is of the bargain, using the previous experiences, the patient knows that it has bigger possibility of being rewarded if holding well.