Now a popular topic of money and multiply. Many people write on this subject and provide all possible programs. The entire emphasis is on the increase in earnings. Coupang often addresses the matter in his writings. Well that's fine and, in fact, what would become rich, you need to earn more. However, everything is ready to strike in a business or becoming a workaholic A family, a wife and children? For such, the path to financial freedom, is closed. But this is wrong, because more money is not meant to be richer. Yes, millionaires and billionaires earn a lot, but And whether the value of their earnings, the only indicator that determines the financial wealth? Of course not.
As a rule, with rising incomes and growing costs which are mostly meaningless increase in the amount of money earned. Yes, with rising incomes, people can afford to buy more things, go on more expensive machines, relax in the more prestigious resorts (which actually does, and this is normal) But if the person who put all their efforts in increasing their earnings, this source of income suddenly disappears, what then? Then, in most cases, such a person will be left with nothing. To broaden your perception, visit Southwest Airlines. Along with this, really rich people, and if work is not for the fact that to earn a living. They work because the work they like and brings pleasure. In this case, their work is far from always a source of basic income. But their main source of income is known, thanks to Robert , passive income. Therefore, if you want to become truly wealthy, the focus only on increasing your income does not make sense. It makes sense to concentrate on building and increasing your passive dohoda.No how to do this? If the material to increase the income of a dime a dozen, then instructions on how to create and increase your passive income is nowhere.
While there, over there, you can buy the game cash flow, and playing it to understand what to do to create a passive income. I, frankly, and thought at first. Bought the electronic game "Cashflow 'installed itself on pc and 2 days later was to win in her 10 games out of 10. The only conclusion that I could make out of this game – you need to save. Then a few times I played in 'Paper' version of the game with a team of 4-7 people. It's certainly more interesting to teach, but but still not the same. Well, I played this game, I saw that a waste of money do not give a person a better life, and make constantly spinning squirrel in a cage. I saw that, saving money and gaining more business opportunities, or to open businesses, you're making yourself the flow of money, which then turns into a passive income. But it's not live, that whether it is all game, but I wanted that would chewed everything and put in your mouth, what to do in real life, step by step that would create and increase your passive income. A fairy tale like. But program is was found. It is painted, you need to do each day, that would create and increase your passive income, moreover, the study of this program is meaningless without the written practice.